Token x Clyde - 3

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This is requested by @mhadrkl


(Clyde Pov)


I can't help but notice how Token isn't talking as much anymore, he changed his purple shirt to a purple hoodie that he wears the hood all the time. sometimes it's annoying when he's wearing it even when he's laying down!

I just notice it a couple of days ago when Token denied to go swimming, he loves swimming with us!

I also noticed he stopped eating lunch since he would always let me have the left overs...

thinking about Token makes me worried about him, he was always there for me when I was down but I didn't like this new Token.

he was more in his own world than talking to us, it isn't fun talking to someone who's not listening.

poking Token's arm again he looked over giving me his sad smile, "sorry I wasn't in the right world again" he mumbled making me pout. "Token please notice me!" I pouted out earning him to chuckle giving me a small hug.

I giggle hugging back loving Token's hugs even if it stopped being the tight hugs I used to get, I still loved them.

we both pulled away smiling at each other as we walked over to Craig's knocking on the door as Tweek open the door smiling. "h-hey guys!" he said happily letting us in, "where's Craig?" I asked as on time Craig walked down the stairs flipping me and Token off.

"got the movie in already" he mumbled taking the sofa with Tweek as Jimmy had the other chair, I peek up at Token who only sigh sitting on the floor with me beside him.

the movie played and Tweek was asleep on Craig's lap as he stared at the movie bored, Jimmy on the other hand was making fun of the movie and Craig told him to stay in the kitchen until he learns not to make fun of sad movies.

I didn't like the movie much since it was pretty boring but as I was about to say something to Token I froze seeing his eyes teary while he watched the show, I didn't know if I should say anything since Token might get embarrassed.

I slowly slide my hand to the side of me grabbing hold of his hand feeling his body jump from the sudden touch, he peeked over at me with a confuse look making me give him a small smile moving closer so I was leaning my head on his arm.

Token didn't seem to mind since he wrapped the arm I was holding the hand to around me making me cuddle closer to him, for the rest of the movie I kept cuddling up to Token as the ending was happening.

"that's fucked up" Craig mumbled as the movie shown the girl who was the main person jumping into the river as her lover came running after her but was to late...

Craig turned the movie off but as soon as the movie was off Token stood up waving bye and leaving making Craig stare at us confuse as I follow right after Token.

he was looking down at the floor as I ran after wrapping my arms around him, "T-Token what's wrong?" I asked worried earning Token to mumble his normal words, "I'm fine..." he mumbled.

I couldn't believe this anymore I turned him around staring into his eyes seeing him crying, "Token please talk to me, I'm worried about you!" I said scared. I hate seeing Token like this and this isn't normal for Token to cry in front of us!

he stared back into my brown eyes breaking down, "I-I c-can't do this anymore!" he sobbed out trying to get out of my arms that I kept tight grip around him. "do what Token? please talk to me" I said scared.

Token only sobbed more, "I'm done being the one that seems alright! I'm done faking! I'm done living!" he sobbed out making me tear up, what was he talking about?

he's life is great, he's rich, he has friends, he has his Dad so what was so wrong that would make him feel like this?

"Token don't say that!" I said bringing him into a hug which only made him push harder on my chest, "l-let me go!" he sobbed out but I didn't listen and kept holding him as he did to me before.

he soon calmed down mumbling under his breathe, "I.. just want this to end..." he whisper shaking a little making me look worried.

I slowly looked at his arms since the hugging made his sleeves go up a little to find fresh scars... he was cutting...

I pulled away from the hug and hold his arm gently and started kissing each little scar on his arm hearing Token sob a little, "I d-didn't want you to know... I don't want anyone to know..." he sobbed out making me shush him in a clam voice.

"Token... I'm here for you, let me help you" I whisper bringing my lips to his own feeling him stop moving before slowly returning it making me smile a little holding him close.

my Token who have been hurting for so long... been holding this in for years is now with me...

"Token I love you... please let me help you" I whisper earning Token to nods slowly as I took Token back to mine.

we ended up cuddling in my bed as I kept kissing his scars and cheeks making him chuckle hearing a small "love you to" before he fell asleep, I only stared at Token's sleeping face smiling a little wanting to see Token happy no matter what.

I soon cuddled up to him and let sleep take over not letting go of the broken boy beside me.

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