(Part 3) Stan x Craig - 4

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(Stan Pov)


throughout the whole school day Craig stayed beside me, I didn't have my own space anymore but it's better than being dead right?

I peeked over to his face as the teacher spoke making me take in all the detail of Craig's face, I've never notice how calm he looks when writing. he soon stared into my eyes making me blush looking away.

I swear something is wrong with me...

as the bell rang I stood up having Craig wrap an arm around me as we made it to the dinner hall, Kyle and Clyde soon waved us over. I must admit I felt better when I was with my friends while Craig is being this close to me.

"so when did this happen?" Kyle mumbled making me look down at my food, "last night" Craig stated earning Kyle and Clyde to stare at us confuse. "but wasn't the murderer at Stan's?" Clyde mumbled making Craig stare at the two with a blank face.

he didn't say anything but I felt my hand being squeezed from him, I didn't know what to do if he wanted me to say something.

"I want to know more about what happen the other night Stan" Kyle stated glaring at Craig a little, fuck... I can't tell them the truth since Craig is here...

"well... it's true.. the murderer did come by" I mumbled scared feeling my hand being crushed a little. I bit my lip in pain as Kyle and Clyde stared at me longer, "a-and the only reason I'm s-still alive is because of Craig" I lied feeling Craig let go of my hand.

I sigh happily as Kyle peeked over at Craig for a moment, "how so?" he question making me frown a little knowing I have to make up a story now.

"w-well I was screaming for help since my parents went out last night... and when I thought he was going to kill me Craig broke the door down and saved me" I lied rubbing the back of my head not liking the way I'm lying to my friends.

"he?" Clyde whisper making me panic, did I really say he!?

"so what did Craig do?" Kyle question looking at Craig wanting him to talk, "well I came in got the bastard off Stan but he was fast and knocked me off him and ran out" Craig lied as if this was normal.

he didn't even stutter, Kyle kept looking at Craig sighing after a bit "so after the murderer left what did you two do?" Kyle mumbled as Clyde pulled out a paper and a pen writing all this down.

shit I feel like their the cops and I'm lying to their faces!

"easy, Stan was scared and I was there for him" Craig stared bored bringing me into a hug glaring back at Kyle, "you guys should of told us sooner" Kyle responded earning Clyde to nod looking up from the paper.

I nodded feeling bad "guys I promise to tell if something like this happens again" I said making the two smile at me, I kept feeling Craig's hand around me pulling me even closer making me sigh.

as school ended I found myself on the floor with Kenny who was looking up at the clouds, "you remember Tweek?" Kenny mumbled making me sigh knowing Tweek died last week from the murderer... Craig Tucker...

"yah?" I responded pulling out some grass as Kenny sat up, "do you think that would happen to us?" Kenny whisper making me frown. "Ken I swear it's going to be ok" I said crawling over to him and bringing him into a hug.

Kenny hugged back but we soon stopped hearing a cough making us look up to see Craig glaring at Kenny, "what you two doing?" he asked grabbing my hand and pulling me off the floor earning Kenny to chuckle.

"Craig don't worry I have my buttercup" Kenny said smiling as Craig only flipped him off pulling me away from Kenny.

"Craig w-where are we going?" I asked a little worried earning him to sigh "back to mine" he mumbled keeping a tight hold on my hand as we walked to Craig's house.

when we got to Craig's house he open the door and closed it after me grabbing my shoulders making me face him, before I knew it I had his lips on mine licking my lips to open up for him.

I open my mouth a little feeling his tongue claim my mouth as his own making me close my eyes holding onto Craig's jacket, I felt us both walking backwards until I tripped and landed on his sofa with him on top of me.

I blushed at the action as he only stared at me, "Marsh, your mine got it?" he stated biting my neck that he cut from this morning making me groan in pain a little.

I slowly felt one of his hands leave my body making me peek over at his hand to see him reaching for something in his pocket making me widen my eyes knocking him off me fast getting on top of him on the floor pinning his hands above his head.

he only chuckled glaring up at me "so Marsh what your plan? to run away? to tell the cops?" he mumbled making me glare back, I wasn't a fan with the stabbing and being choked to death!

I reached one hand into Craig's pocket pulling out the knife he used this morning throwing it away from both of us, "Craig I want to date you!" I said not caring if this is wrong anymore!

Craig stared at me a little bit more until he's glare turned into a normal stare looking confuse, "you still want to date me?" he asked making me nod "but I ain't into the stabbing shit! so lets make a deal!" I said glaring at him still.

Craig only rolled his eyes not saying a word as this is my sign to say my deal, I sigh before speaking.

"the deal is that I'll keep dating you and I won't tell anyone about what you are or what had happen back at mine" I stated seeing Craig's eyes scanning me, "but you will have to stop murdering people and don't fucking cut me again!" I hissed out a little angry that I have to ask that.

he kept staring nodding slowly "deal" he mumbled making me smile a little leaning closer kissing his lips happily feeling him kissing back.

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