(Part 1) Craig x Kyle - 2

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(Kyle Pov)


I slowly walked down the hall towards the doors as everyone around me rushed past to get home or to hang out with their friends, I wasn't in a rush though since I was a little worried about my idea.

all day I couldn't help but stare at Stan he was just to cute with his black hair and his smile, as I was about to talk to him in our last lesson Cartman got him and Stan into trouble for calling out that he's a Hippie which made Stan respond with calling Cartman a Fatass.

so they were sent out of the classroom which gave me time to think about confessing my feelings for my best friend.

I felt my hands start to shake a little as I started to over think about what would happen...

does he even like me back?

would this ruin our friendship?

is he even into boys?

I was slowly getting a panic attack rushing outside and tripping over landing on the snow face flat making me groan and shiver at the cold, I slowly pushed myself up sitting on the snow taking deep breathes in to clam myself down.

I jumped feeling a hand on my back making my head turn to whoever it was to see Craig looking blankly at me "how's the view down there?" he said making me roll my eyes at his words.

I pushed myself off the floor wiping the snow off me turning to face Craig who had put his hands back in his pockets, "what do you want Craig?" I said a little annoyed as he just kept his stupid blank face on.

"nothing really just came out to see you on the floor so why not check on you, shorty" he said teasing me at the end making me flip him off as he did the same back.

"I'm still growing!" I hissed out seeing him chuckle a little as I looked away, Craig was always teasing about how short I was or would just tease me anytime he saw me alone!

it was annoying...

"sure, whatever you say~" Craig responded walking away from me towards his group of friends flipping me off before leaving me alone, god how Craig would annoy me so much by just saying those little comments...

I let out a small yelp feeling arms wrap around me hearing a laugh after my little scream, "Kyle it's just me!" Stan laughed out making me turned around as he stared at me letting go, "wow your pretty red to the face did something happen?" Stan question making me stare at him confuse taking off one of my gloves and touching my cheek feeling how warm it was.

it must of been when Craig was teasing me making me angry!

"o-oh nothing just the same old Jerk" I responded earning Stan to grin, "I swear that he likes you~" Stan teased making me groan annoyed.

why hearing those words make me feel warmer! is it because I'm angry that Stan doesn't get that I like him?

"do not!" I responded crossing my arms as we walked back to my house as Stan left to go back to mine, later that day I walked over to Stan's house ready to tell Stan my confession.

as I knocked slowly feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks as the door open to see Stan without his hat or jacket staring back at me making me stare at him, he seems... of gotten more hotter!

"Kyle?" he said confuse making me grab his hands as Stan stared at me with a blank face as he's cheeks slowly turned pink, "wha-" I cut Stan off with my lips closing my eyes fast feeling Stan's lips on mine as he's hands were on my chest frozen, as I was about to panic not feeling Stan kiss back I slowly started shaking pulling away slowly.

my eyes shot open as I felt Stan's hands move as one was behind my head to deeper the kiss as he's other hand was around me pulling me close to him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

the kiss was full of love, but I swear he must of gotten a little taller... 

I slowly open my eyes as we pulled away as we both stared into each other eyes before Stan's eyes soon widen as if he just thought of something, "o-oh god.." he mumbled looking away making me stare at him confuse.

"Stan?" I asked holding onto one of his hands feeling him shake a little, "god dammit it Shorty..." he whisper making me stare at Stan confuse as he pulled his hand away from me and closed the door shut making me stand outside confuse staring at the blank door feeling my eyes water up.

he kissed back so... why did he reject me after?

the next day soon came as I walked to school spotting Stan and Craig talking to each other in front, Craig's hair was messy with his hat on top and seemed to be paler than before, he's eyes seem to be puffy but still has that blank face on.

I soon walked over to them grabbing Stan's arm turning him around as he stare at me nervous, "start talking! what was all that about the other day after what happen?" I said annoyed not really caring if Craig heard or not.

as Stan looked to the side peeking at Craig before looking down, before Stan could speak Craig mumbled something under his breathe and walked away with his hands back in his pockets.

I kept my eyes on Stan as he slowly sigh looking up "Kyle... the other day it... shouldn't of happen" Stan whisper rubbing the back of his head as he looked at the way Craig went.

"w-what do you mean?" I said tearing up more, he kissed back so... why is he rejecting me after that kiss was full of love?!

Stan only looked down sighing more "you'll understand one day..." he mumbled walking away from me.


(Craig Pov)


as I got to the school I rushed to the back of it sliding down the wall letting the tears run down my cheeks knowing Stan would keep our promise  about letting me tell Kyle how I feel about him...

but... how can I now since Kyle likes Stan... ugh why did Stan and I had to get paired up for that stupid project... why did Stan make me answer... why did that kiss feel so good...

one day... I'll tell him the truth but... not now...

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