Love And Pain.

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Love hurts especially when it's not reciprocal.

   Here I am seated in my so called house, doing nothing except watch all day. I don't even cook and that's something I love doing, afraid I might run into that annoying prick I call a husband.

When will it ever end for me?
    Well this is a question I ask myself every single day of my life and honestly I'm tired of not getting any answers. I have been married now for a week, my friends and cousins keep calling to check out how I am doing presently and the worst part is I can't tell them. The only person I can talk to is my one and only sibling Halima, my older sister. She luckily got married to the man she loves and I get stuck in a huge mansion with an egotistical loser.
I can't wait for him to resume work I'm tired of all this emotional roller coasters.

I'm in my bedroom watching husbands of Lagos my favorite Nigerian series but I have no idea what's going on. But today I feel like cooking, I might not be good at any house chore but I love cooking and even "my husband " can't stop me, it's my house after all.

    I walk out of my room, I notice Nasif 's bedroom light was on, so thankfully he is in his room. I put on my slippers and walk downstairs all the way to the kitchen. It was past eight already the maid has gone home. Usually the house is very silent because I only watch in my room and Nasif only watches in his.
The fridge was stocked with almost everything eggs, vegetables, fruits, fresh tomatoes, fresh spinach and other things. I enter the pantry and open it up, it was also stocked. But unfortunately there wasn't any flour.

   So I started walking trying to get back in my room when I heard voices, I slowly walked to the living room and saw the tv was on.

"Ugh curse this man" I say I as switched it off.

I turn around only to meet Nasif sitting watching me. I can't tell his expression because the lights where off.

"Oh..." I say still stuck were I stood.

"Do you mind?"He asks.
I quickly turn on the lights.

"You should probably keep them on" I say and I notice him look at my body weirdly.
That's when I realized I forgot to put on my pajama trousers, it's uncomfortable so I always remove it when about to sleep. I was so used to him always being in his room I forgot it. I stood only in my shirt, let's not forget how embarrassed I was.

"I didn't know you would be coming out" I say bravely trying not to sound affected by my recklessness.

   "If you switched off my tv so I could watch you, I'm not interested " he says with a bored expression.

   "Well it's not like I did it intentionally, keep the lights on next time" I say turning on the switch.

"I prefer pure women".

"And who says I'm not?"
"Your personality".

I huff "Nas are you trying to annoy me?"
"What do you think?"
"Oh Ya Allah what did I do to deserve this man?" I say looking up.

"If you're done you can leave".
"You're too much" I say before I leave.

Immediately I got in my room I jumped on my bed and started self-scolding myself.

I got my phone and called Laura our maid to buy me flour on her way here but I had to make us breakfast since there is no market near our house and hers so she might come to work later than usual.

And then I slept off.
I woke up at exactly 6:24am, finished up anything I had to do before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

I fried 4 eggs, 4 in 1 to make it thick. Put in the bread and put it in the toaster.
Then I made coffee for Nasif I noticed he drank it every morning. When it was done I put it all on a tray. I picked up my phone and noticed it was already 7:15am. I picked up the tray and went upstairs. I knocked and knocked again before he finally opened up.

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