Babies And Stories.

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More and more
Will come
To you & me
And we'll watch
As they grow.

I look at halima like she was demented.
Yeah I'm serious.

She said I deemed her. But nope that is not the case.
She has slimed down.
She looks like those runway models. And I'm being a 100% serious.

"Have you not been eating ne?" I ask her.
"Of course I have" She says back.

"Both you Amir and Tahir have slimed down" I tell her worriedly.

"Come on.Because you're adding weight? Do you want to become bloated before the baby even arrives?" She asks.
"You can try and divert the question but it's still there" I assure her.
"Well I hate the fact that we have to come here" she tells me obviously annoyed.
"Why? This is your father's house and you grew up here"

"I don't care. It doesn't disturb you that your father in-law is your father's backer?" She asks another question.
She seems pissed off about something maybe she and Abdullahi had another huge fight. Although she never tells me I hear them from mama, it's like she thinks I don't care what goes on in her life but I wish she could see that I really care.
Mama and baba both aren't home so when Nasif comes to pick me up as far as I'm concerned I came to visit them.
"Well I'm happy you're pregnant it's good" she says with a sad smile.
And then she started laughing or smiling I'm not even sure which one.

"What?" I ask.
I feel she is about to blag.
"Can Amir stay with you for a while" she asks?

"I'm not sure" I say back.

"Well firstly because I have to ask Nas first and secondly I'm pregnant the doctor says not to overwork or stress myself and everyone in kaduna knows that Amir is very troublesome, he can't sit in one place for more than 20minutes and I have always been someone who doesn't take stress that well" I say.
"Oh really? Since you got married you couldn't even take them to your house"

"First of all I invited you and your sons to comes stay with me when your husband travelled to Prague but you said no secondly before I got married wouldn't I always call you and as you to bring him over, if I take him to my house presently he's going to die of boredom no one would play with him because there aren't any children his age" I say dejected.

"I don't care " she says back.

I'm in no mood to listen to her blab about baloney."You sound like a baneful person wallahi" I say.
Just then I receive a call.

I delve into my back and brought it out.



They aren't home.

I'll be right out.

Me too.

It's just a 5min walk I'll be fine.


I end the call.
I pick up my bag.
"Harira" I call our maid. She made dodo and soup and I told her to package some for me to take home. It's already 6:38pm and I think he will prefer this also.
She brought the basket.
"Take it to the car" I say.
"Let's talk when you're calmer. I say to halima before I leave.

We walk to the car.
She keeps the basket in the trunk and goes back in while we drive off.

"Where did mama and baba go?" he asks.
"A wedding I told them to finish up there we'll just come another time"

"Okay but I have to ask what is that delectable smell" He asks?
"Dodo and sauce "

"Which sauce?" He asks
"Honestly I'm not even sure walhy." I say and he laughs.
"Okay then let's just get home".

When we got home I got inside my apartment and he followed me like a tail and didn't stop until I fell on my bed.
"You should bath while I warm up dinner" I say to him.
"Or we could help each other out" he says twisting his eyes brows.

"Oh really?" I ask playfully.
"I'm joking let's just do it the way you said it" He says walking to the bathroom.

..about 3 hours later..

We are in the living room lying down. He is watching CNN while I was on instagram.
All I heard was them saying hurricane Maria constantly but I had zero idea what they saying.
Then I saw a video of agbada challenge. Tobuka vs. merry men.
It seemed interesting and I kept watching the video then my phone was snatched and then it went straight inside his pocket.
"Watch what is going on in the world" he says and I turn to look at the tv.

"I'd rather watch those boring, so-called funny videos instead".

Then there was a knock on the door.
Nas got up and went downstairs and I followed behind him slowly. When we got to the main parlor I stayed by the side and couldn't be seen since the lights were off. So no one could see me wearing only my over sized New York shirt.

He opens the door.
"Here I am your betrothed wife treated like trash" Zainab says almost crying.
She comes in and I switch on the light.

She is wearing a long night gown and veil covering her head and open chest.
Showing her cleavage.
"What do you want?" He asks.

I sit and watch.
"Since you deflowered this girl you have been behaving differently, she is still the same annoying girl. I hope you know that" she says but he keeps quiet looking at her like a deranged human being.

"I don't care what happened all I know is you met and loved me first. How are you sure the child is yours?" She asks.
"Zainab shut up. I have never met anyone so ballsy. You bash my wife right in front of me? You must really be taking something. You really are baled faced and I kept thinking of all the reasons why your former in laws never accepted you. Leave" he says strictly.

She pouts and huffs before leaving.
We stay quiet before I lock the door hold his hand and went upstairs.
I could have arbitrated that argument but that will just make things worse for him.

We lie down and cover ourselves with the duvet before both falling asleep.
Our relationship is becoming more ascent everyday and I'm glad.


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