Happiness And Recovery.

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I recover from all the pain,
All the hatred,
All the agony
But not your cruelty.
Cause I feel for you more than you feel for me, And it hurts to see you smile with someone who isn't ME!

Today is Saturday and I don't have to go to work. I literally just pushed almost all my friends away, I know it's stupid. But all they want to hear is how your life has been since you got married and I have nothing to tell them because my husband does not give a f**k about me and vice versa at least I think so, no I hope so.
I'm in my bedroom lying down on my carpet watching originals on my laptop with Laura.

And then he barges in.

Laura gets up and leaves immediately.
I stand there with my bom short and vest looking at him a bit confused.

"What?" I ask when he just keeps looking at me.

"We need to talk" He says back.
"Okay, sit" I tell him, then we both sit on the couch.

"I have been thinking about you and awwal and I don't like it" He says straight forward.

"Why? Did he do anything wrong?" I ask.

"No I just don't like it. That's it".
"Just like that? Seriously? I need a better reason" I say back bravely.

I notice the way he looks at me and then I felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Because I'm your husband and you do exactly what I tell you to" He says back not taking his eyes off me, not even for a second.

"Well..I know you are but..but I just want an explanation ".

"Hajarah don't push your luck alright?".
I look at him intensively trying to figure out what was wrong with him and it's clear he is aroused.
"Okay I won't talk to him anymore, is that fine with you, my husband?" I ask sarcastically.

"Well you know what? You and I never really consummated our wedding " he says with a smirk.
"And you decided it should be tonight?" I ask.
I start shaking my feet subconsciously, nervous.

"And if I say yes?" He asks.
"Well you're my husband and it is your house anyway" I say back.

"Brave. I like it" he gets up and walks to the door.
It's going to happen I'm sure of it. And I cannot run.
"Why don't you take a bath, call me when you're done" he says and walks out.

Fear gripped me. And at least I should thank God he took 5months before he came to me.


I'm out of the shower and I'm wearing my towel when I saw my phone blink. I took it and looked at the time, it's past 10 already.
It was a message from a group on WhatsApp. They sent a video.
I started playing it, it was a man name dropping, the worst part is the celebrities didn't exist. It was funny and it calmed me down. But let's face it I'm a bit tense right now.
How the hell do I call him?
Oh s**t he put me in a tough situation.

A message comes in.
It was from the same group.
So I decided I'll just send him a message instead, I'm not even sure anymore.

Then I called him.
You done ne?

Yeah. You said I should call right.

You sound like you're making this a big deal.

What do you think?

I'll be there. I'm just downstairs anyway.

Okay then..

Oh really.

Yeah..I think....so..no I'm fine.

I have no idea why your voice is shaking. Just calm down.
He laughs.

I end the call and plug in my phone to charge it.
Here we go. Something is off about the way he's behaving towards the fact that he and I are about to have sex. He's acting like it's something completely normal. But it's not. Not at all. Not in a million years. Not now. Not ever.

Then he comes in and closes the door behind him.
He keeps looking at me for a long time before he moves towards me and puts his hands around my waist. Still looking at me deeply.

I'm somewhat shaking. And my heart is beating fast. Time is moving way too slow. Just get it done with already. He switches off the lights.
"Don't worry I'll be gentle " he says to me.


I slowly turn around in bed but finally sit up and rest my head on the headboard of the bed.
I notice Nas seated on the couch, his face buried in his palms.

Does he regret it?
But why?He didn't look intoxicated yesterday.
Well maybe I'm just down to earth boring.
Yeah I think that's it.

"Nas? Is something wrong?" I ask.

He looks at me for a while before he finally, slowly got up sat beside me.
"How are you feeling " he asks looking so guilty.
"I'm fine just" I say and he hangs his head in shame.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea. You seemed like..." he keeps quiet.
"Wait what are we talking about exactly?" I ask a bit confused.

"I didn't know you were..." I look at him expectantly waiting for him to finish his sentence.
"I didn't know you were a virgin" he says.

"I sounded a bit too proud last night, so don't blame yourself " I say back.

Just then Laura comes in with a tea cup.
He gets up and collects it from her, she leaves.
He sits very close to me before handing me the cup.

"Drink this you will feel better in no time" he tells me.
I nod and grab it, drinking it slowly because it was boiling hot.

After I'm done, he keeps the cup on the night stand.
"You should take your bath you'll feel refreshed." He says.

Well it was when I started taking off my blanket that I noticed I had my dress back on.

Sweet guy, I guess.
Slowly while leaning on him we get to the bathroom.

Believe me when I say this is so so freaking weird.


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