Recovery And Progress.

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This is good.
We are finally giving each other a chance,
Because he didn't know who I really was,
He believed what he wanted to hear,
And be with the woman he loves,
And now it's me,
And I hope it never dies,


    Let's just say life has become something else.
I love life.
I love life.
I love life.
I love life.
Believe me I could go on forevermore.
I love life so much.

    Nasif and I have gotten a lot closer. Though he still stays with his other wife at times he's with me most of the time. I don't know what got into him.
I feel like I love my husband. But it's weird about a week back I didn't care what he did with his life but's different.
   Unfortunately tomorrow morning he will have to travel, sometimes I forget he is a pilot. Although I have never officially seen him in his uniform but I hope to see him tomorrow. He always waits till he gets to Abuja before he wears it but since he won't have much time to get ready when he goes there he will have to get dressed at home.

    "I'll see him tomorrow" Laura tells me.
Laura is actually 25years. She lived in a village in katsina with her parents and 8 other siblings. When her father decided to force her to marry one of his friend's she secretly got married to her boyfriend with her mum and 3 sisters present. She was only 16. After they got married, both her and her husband moved to kaduna where she had her first daughter at 17. But then by the time she had her 4th child at my age her husband got seriously sick with diabetes. She gathered all the money she could and took him to the hospital. Thank god it was at a mild stage so he got better a year later but he decided they should go to Kano because his uncle a farmer told him he could work for him. But she didn't want that, she knew his uncle hates her and so she told him she would stay and find work to feed her and her children. They would visit him once in a while and so will he. That's how she became a maid and a young mother. Her first child is 9. It's a sad story actually but the good thing is she finished her secondary school at 21. Her husband kept saving his money to take her to school so she is a bit good with English.

    "He's in Kaduna?" I ask her.
"Not yet" she says. But she's so proud it's fascinating.

   "When?" I ask
"Tomorrow everting"she answers back.
"Then you can go after asr" I tell her and she nods in agreement.

  She gets up and heads to the kitchen.
Honestly I prefer our old house, it's bigger and more comfortable the only good thing about this one is I don't have to see his other wife everyday.
Then Nasif comes in.
Wearing his uniform and aviator sunglasses.

   It's official I'm in love.
"Never take them off" I blurt out.
"Did you just appraise me?" He asks with a smirk.

I smiled shyly.
"Anyway I'll be back by Tuesday and I thought maybe I should come give my wife a goodbye kiss first".

"Why do I feel you are behaving atone towards me" I tell him adjusting his slanted tie.
   "No not at all what could I feel bad for? Did I do something ne? Cause I don't remember " he says.

"Well let me escort you out" I tell him and he nods.


It's already 8:25pm and I'm all alone in my house or apartment I'm not even sure anymore.
Then someone knocks.
I'm not being paranoid but I doubt opening the door is safe.

"Come on open the door it's just me" I hear.


I open the door and step aside for her to enter.
She keeps looking around.
"Well it's austere, I can aver to that" she says with an accent.

"Well that's unfortunate " I say sitting back on my couch.
"Surprising that I'm watching the same thing right?" She asks me.

So devils watch devil wears Prada. Makes sense, right?

"Anyway don't you offer refreshments to guests?" She asks again.
"I'm actually thinking of the reason you are here".

"To see my co-wife and younger sister" she says mockingly.
"Well thanks mum" I say back. I hate being insulted with my age.

I can tell she got angry.
"Actually I just wanted to see what would keep Nas here all day". She says almost laughing.
"Well unfortunately I didn't video tape it but you can come watch when he gets back" I tell her.

I know she gets what I'm referring to.
    "I'm leaving now".

"Wait! You don't want refreshments?" I say mockingly.
"No maybe another time. Of course I would have slept in his quarters like we do always but he locked it" She says flaunting.

"Well if you want I can give you the keys" I say back with an innocent smile.
        "I choose not to". She leaves.

Two can play at that game.
Then Awwal calls me.

Hey how are you?


You haven't been answering my messages.

Really busy with work.

I saw you chatting with Nas you two even had a video call.

Awwal you're talking about my husband. He's a priority.

And I'm not?

But I know, you know what I mean.

Yeah maybe. What's wrong with you?

Well work and the fact that it's not right for you and I to be besties.


Well because I'm married to your best friend and you're a guy.

But..., you know what let's meet tomorrow but you can't tell him.

That sounds like an assignation.

No that's not what I meant.

I can't I have plans with my co-workers.

But when are you free?

Awwal I'll call.

    I end the call.
This friendship is completely baseless.

I wish Nas were here.
Or Laura but she had to go home to prepare everything for her husband's arrival tomorrow evening.

Guess I have to sleep early now.

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