Regret And Envy.

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The envy you feel......hurts no one else but you.
Because you get so stuck envying others,
You forget about yourself  


  "Nasif don't do this to me." Zainab says crying.

"I have to, you know how Abba is" he says back.
"I told you I wanted to finish school first, I didn't want to get married without school. I learnt my lesson when my husband died"

    "I love you but I have to do it. But don't worry I'll be back for you when the time is right"
"I just need you to promise me you will let your hatred grow so you never fall in love with her".

   "I promise baby" they kiss.

Nasif being the third child of his father never lacked anything. He had to be named heir to all his father's fortune since he was the only boy out of five children. But that wasn't his dream. He wanted to be a pilot. Even with his father's disapproval he became one, thereby building a boundary with his father. When his father gets a heart attack he swore to do anything his father wanted. And his father used this to lure his son into getting married to someone he barely knows.
He tries to make his father change his mind but his father wouldn't budge.
He swears to marry the woman he loves no matter the consequences and so he will.


"Yeah he is definitely cheating" I say playing with my nephew Amir.
"You have to be patient. You know how things are" halima says with pity.

"Well that's his problem"I say back.
"It is" She answers back jumping on her bed.

"I wish I met Awwal before him, Lims" I say falling back placing my head on her back and lying Amir next to me.
"Me too. I wish you had. Don't worry it's going to be fine. God won't give you something you can't handle" she says.

"Yeah at least islamiyya got in one of us so she could advice the other". I say playfully.
    "Shut up joor ".

Tahir her 3 year old son comes in with his broken toy.

"Wow Amir is lucky to have a responsible brother" she says sarcastically.
"I just bought him that toy last week" she says going through her Instagram feeds. I lie down playing with my chubby niece. Gosh she's so cute.

Then I got a call.



   "Time for me to leave my 29year old sister and her 2angels". I say getting up and picking my bag.

I peck Amir multiple times before I peck Tahir multiple times too. They are both so chubby, that's why Tahir only started walking when he was 1year 8months.


"Hey" awwal says when I get in the back seat.

"Hey" I say back.
"Your sister is pretty " he says smiling.
"She's married" I say back.
"But you're prettier " he says and I blush.

Yeah Nasif is driving.
"Black suits you perfectly" he says and I blush again.
"You too".

"Nasif aren't you telling your wife the bad news?" Awwal asks.
"What!?" I ask curiously.

"He will be flying to Florida"
"OMG that's amazing news. When are you leaving?" 

Awwal looks at me shocked before he smirks then it fades.

I think after that I couldn't stop smiling all day until..

    I was in the kitchen when Nas brought his plate. I washed them and switched off the lights. I saw him on the dinning table doing nothing.

"I'd really appreciate it if you would stop showing how much you hate me in front of my friends". He says

"When you give me the respect I deserve" I say back.
"Anything else?" He asks furiously.

Nope I guess not. Right?
"I need you to go to the parlor there are dirty dishes beside the chair by the door" he says not even smiling.

"Why do you love frustrating my life? I just finished washing the dishes".
"Well you should have looked. If you don't leaving plates with only attract cockroaches and rats".

   "And go to my room the plate I ate the muffins earlier is still there".
"If you're so desperate to get them cleaned you can wash them yourself".

Then his phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and then back at me before leaving the dinning room.




You know no one can take your place.

Nah not her.

Just calm down


   I come in.
"End the call. I have something you'll love". I say.

He looks at me unsure.

I'll call later.
He ends the call.

"What?" He asks.

"I'd rather my husband get married than cheat. I'd rather stay in this hell I call marriage than get divorced and I knew that when we were getting married. We all make sacrifices for the people we love. So right now I'm telling you to marry Zainab. I know you love her and you treat me badly for that same reason. So I'd rather you get married to her so you will be too busy caring about her you'll forget me and I can live peacefully" I say trying it to cry.
It's not like I care what he does with his life but let me be at peace.

"So you're fine with it?" He asks surprised.
"That's what I'm saying " I answer back.
He looks at me like he is trying to figure me out.

"All I want is my own place and I won't bother you or your bride".
"I get it. You want the chance to be with anyone without any complaint from me". He says proudly.

"Think whatever you want, you will benefit from it more than I would" I say.

"I'm sure you'll feel suffocated but don't worry I'll at least visit you once in a while" he says before he leaves.

Irritating dumbass.


Wise decision?
Or not?

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