The Marriage Transaction. *Declaring War*

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Okay readers,

Today I'll give you a little peek on my new book The Marriage Transaction.
On my newest chapter Declaring War.

   I park my car and notice Abdulhamid's car wasn't parked outside. He was probably skidding Kaduna looking for me.
   I jejely walk to my room, took my bath and lied down.
Two can play at that game.

   I woke up and walked to Ihsan's room, she wasn't there. Maybe he left with her so she wouldn't be home alone. I ate breakfast while lying down since unfortunately my back still hurt a lot, I got ready and went outside.
I put my bag in the passenger's seat and got in the drivers seat, suddenly the gate opened and Abdulhamid parked his car.
I smiled evilly at him.

  He came out walking casually and stood in front of me.
Wow! He's tall.
I stand corrected, he's taller than Isah.
   "Did you miss me? You can't seem to stop smiling" he says with a smirk.
"Back from your hunt?" I ask with a wider smirk.

"Which hunt?" He asks confused.
"Well your hunt for—" he cuts me off.

"Look you might be seriously unappealing but I can't just go hunting to find girls, for gods sake I'm Abdulhamid Isah"
I looked at him blankly. He held his blazer in his arms and the brief case in the other. He didn't look like someone who was worried.

"Where are you coming from?" I ask dreading the answer I would get.

"The office" he says back.
I blink not saying a word.

I have back pain for no reason!
I stayed late for no reason!
I watched S05 Episode12 of Empire for no fucking reason!

    "Why are you asking?" He asks confused.
"What about Ihsan? Where is she?" I ask trying to remain calm.

"I took her to Aisha's house, she said she'll be taking the kids to wani tafsir today around 7am so I took Ihsan to see her aunt and so she could get more Islamic knowledge apart from the one she learns from me"

Islamic Knowledge from Abdulhamid Isah!? He's a freaking liar.
But what's really rilling me up is the fact that he had no idea what I did to make him pay for making me late.

"Why didn't you wake me up last night?" I ask clearly pissed off.
"Oh!" He starts laughing.

"Well just to let you know I never break my promises and the truth is I went to wake you up but I saw you cuddled in bed and you looked so tired, exhausted, sweaty, miserable, sad, pathetic and sleepy, so I thought to myself, which kind of husband would see his wife this way and still wake her up. Come on Nabila, I have a soul, a kind one at that" He says mockingly.

"So you didn't want to wake me because you care?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"No, I cared. Now that I can see that you're not thankful I feel discouraged to actually say I care for you or do anything a caring husband would do"

I breathe in and out, slowly.
"I'm going to the hospital" I turn around and start walking to my car.

"Why are you walking like that? Why are you walking like a duck?" He asks.
"I don't know! I have no idea why!" I say getting in my car not even giving him a second glance before leaving.

You Might Have Won The Battle But You Haven't Won The War.
I'll have my revenge soon.

Nabila is officially declaring war....What do you think?

You should really give it a try.
It's as interesting  as it gets.

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