Past And Present.

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I just got home to meet a full house, Amir and Tahir are running around. It's kind of irritating.
    I went to my room and sat down with ruqayyah in my arms. I kept looking at her. I can't believe this she's actually my daughter.

   Hafsah soon comes inside with Anisa my friend.
"I'm an aunt" Hafsah says smiling.
   "Yup" I answer back.

I'm still not feeling well so I try not to stress myself out.
   "I'm happy for you babyn mummy" Anisa says scrolling through the pictures bilki took of rukky and I this morning.

"Ko? I will be right back" I say walking out.

   I went to Nasif 's quarters. He is in his living room watching aljazeera.
"You look tired" I say sitting down beside him.

   He is wearing his three-quarter blue jeans and a plain white shirt.
"I am but I'm glad you are back. You couldn't even attend your own suna seff" He says.
    "Yeah well the wahala was worth it".

"Hajah what happened that day with Munir?"
    .."I don't know all I remember is he and I were seated and it was awkward. He just kept looking at me then I excused myself and went straight to my room and that's when the pain started. I shouted and screamed and then he came in but the odd thing is I kept feeling that pain for a long time before he even carried me to his car, he just kept looking at me in pain, he's a psychopath ".

   "What about halima? How have you two been since she went all crazy in the hospital?" He asks.

"Her sons are here but I haven't seen her. Honestly I don't even want to see her".
   "So your mum hates her really or is it just a stupid stunt to get attention" he asks another question yet again?

"Actually it's both. My mum doesn't like halima because she was a mistake. My mum had halima while she was dating baba. And they're relationship was fake, they didn't like each other mama liked someone else when her parents found out she was pregnant they forced her to marry baba and it was really painful for her so she decided to take it out on halima. While baba hates me because I was a mistake. He wanted to have one child so he wouldn't have so many responsibilities. When he found out mama was pregnant he told her to get rid of it but she wouldn't she even told him it might be a boy because she knew how much he wanted to have a baby boy to carry on the legacy but when he found out she was having a baby he started hating me since then....I stopped getting disturbed by it a long time ago but halima never did and I kind of don't blame her. 50/50 dai".
   "Soap opera" He says smiling.

"To-tal-ly" I answer back.


  I was lying down on my bed Nas lying down beside me typing something on his iPad.
"Finally she is asleep" I say.
     "Yup she does love playing a little too much".

"Well that doesn't mean you won't get anything tonight" I wink although I know he can't see me because the lights are off.
He keeps his iPad on the bedside table and I slowly get on top of him.
    "I like this" he says.
"Well then tell me what you're going to do about it?" I say flirting.
    "Take all these off" he answers back sharply.
"Then why are you wasting time?" I smile.

You Know What Happens Next

I woke up earlier than Nas and believe me that happens once in a blue moon. He was still sleeping, snoring slightly. Weird enough I found it cute.
  If it was halima telling me what she was admiring her husband snoring I would say she was a freak.
  But no, I'm the one and I really find it cute. I admire his face, play around with his curly hair and keep giving him a gentle kiss. This never really happens so when it does I take all the time I can get to admire MY husband although I slightly share him but it's fine with me, he is the father of my beautiful baby girl. When Halima told me how handsome Munir looks when he is sleeping I insult her but it's actually really cute and I recently found out he has long eyelashes.
  Speaking of halima's husband we haven't talked in a while.
Suddenly he started moving and I quickly close my eyes.
   "So what have you recently noticed about my facial features?" He asks getting up.
"Umm...what are you talking about? Nothing" I answer back.

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