Chapter 10

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 Destruction POV

I sighed softly, Darkness has been asleep for two weeks now, She would constantly scream while clutching her chest, her breathing wouldn't increase, and at times, her chest wouldn't rise or fall, however, knowing that as an immortal, she did not need to breath, I was more concerned with her constant flickering.

I gently brushed her hair away from her forehead, she was sweating heavily, and her energy core was weakening. Now for those who don't know, we immortals don't need our heart, but it's our energy core that keeps us alive, and if it were to stop producing energy, we would eventually fade.

It doesn't only supply us with our life source, but also our powers. If it's highly damaged, then we are weaker. And I was worried, Darkness kept flicker, meaning her energy source was giving out. I bit my bottom lip as I looked down at her.

I lit up my palms with my own energy, and gently placed my hands over her energy core, which was right beside her heart. I sent a shockwave into hers and focused on giving her more energy.

A loud scream burst through her lips, I groaned as I felt weakened. Numerous footsteps rushed down the hall, the door burst open, I groaned as Jane and April, rushed in.

"We heard a scream?" Jane asked, I coughed and glanced up at Darkness, she stopped flickering but was thrashing around on the bed.

"I did something seriously stupid," I muttered while pushing myself off the ground. I gripped Darkness hands and softly shushed her,

"Darkness, I am so sorry," I whispered while kissing her forehead.

"What happened?" Tom asked bursting into the doorway, behind him was Luke, Zoe, Bianca and a couple of other people.

"I tried to give her energy, instead, it seemed to only cause her pain," I sat down beside Darkness held her cold hands. I looked at her kids and frowned.

"I can't lose her, not now, I was barely given a chance to make her smile," I whispered, I felt the bed dip beside me, I looked up to see April looking at her mother.

"She's strong, but I am going to teach Percy a piece of my mind," Her fingers crackled with dark smoke. I shuddered at the thought.

One thing about these kids, young, but dangerous. Don't ever be at the wrong end of their weapon. Tom cracked his knuckles and gave off a deep scowl on his face.

"I'll gut him," He growled. I fell silent, while Jane sighed.

"We can't do anything, after all, Percy was brainwashed by Crystal, who knows, maybe he's still under her control!" Jane glanced at me sadly,

"Oh fuck no, my dad's right here," Tom through his arm over my shoulder.

I stared between all three kids as the others stayed silent. Finally, Zoe stepped closer to the bed and looked at me.

"She's been out for too long, I think we should make a move without her. I believe we should capture Percy and question him?" I shook my head, denying the idea.

"Darkness simply saw him across the portal and she was thrown into this condition,"

"Well, should we wait?" Bianca asked softly.

"I believe we should," I admitted while glancing down at Darkness, I will stay here, anyone else is welcomed to stay," I turned back to Darkness, Jane and April both found a spot to lay down beside their mother. I smiled and stood up, giving Tom my place, the boy wasted no time to curl up beside his mother. Walked over to the closest and took out an extra blanket, and then placed it over the four.

"Sleep well, I see she is in great hands," I whispered kissing each of them in the forehead.

"Once our mother wakes, up, I want you to wow her," Tom pointed a finger at me threateningly.

"She better be treated like a queen," He yawned and rested his head beside Darkness arm.

"Well, let's go, We should let her rest," I urged everyone out before I closed the door behind me. I was about to sigh when one of my servants appeared beside me, I yelled at his sudden appearance before I calmed down and gave him a smile.

"Yes?" I asked turning to the boy, by now, everyone was halfway down the hall, leaving me in a private conversation with the boy.

"Sir, there is a god in the living room waiting for you," He said giving me a bow.

"Did he state his name?" I asked the boy as glanced towards the direction of my throne room.

"Percy Jackson sir," I stiffened at the name given to me.

It simply can't be the same man. My mind began to wander off in many directions.

"Oh, sir, there is a young female goddess with him." I hummed in response. I thanked the boy and made my walk to the throne room. My guard as always opened the door for me, I glanced at the portrait of my father End.

He was the opposite of me, cruel and unjust, I, however, set my mind to doing different from him, despite my name.

I walked into the throne room to see a very handsome young man, with a blond regular looking California girl, I gave them an awkward smile to them.

"Welcome," I said as I headed towards my Obsidian throne.

"May I ask the reason as to why you are here?" I asked glancing down at them.

The boy, Percy, got into a bow and stood up quickly.

"Thank you for receiving us Lord Destruction, I am Percy Jackson, and this is my wife, Annabeth chase," I froze, so this was the boy, now that I take a closer look, he did look like the boy who was on the other side of the portal.

"We are here to demand that you hand us Darkness and her men," Annabeth spoke, reaching towards a dagger on her side. I titled my head to the side, glancing toward my guard.

"I must ask, how are you to order me around?" I rose an eyebrow and stood up, Percy placed a hand on Annabeth's shoulder.

"Please, we are not here to fight, we just need to take Darkness, she is a threat to our cause," Percy looks at me with a patient gaze, I on the other hand glare at them both,

"I will not be hand over my wife," I growled out, clearly aware that Darkness is not my wife, but I had to stay something to keep them from taking her.

The boy, Percy looked hurt, while Annabeth simply froze at those words.

"You will not lay a hand on her, or I will wage war!" I stood up glaring down at them.

"Trust me, I am slow to anger, but when you do reach that point, it will not be pretty," I walked down towards them and stared into their eyes.

Annabeth had now unfrozen from her stare of shock and turned to look at her husband. Percy had now changed his facial expression and scowled at me.

"Hand over Darkness," He ordered, I stared at him offended at the order.

"Who are you to order me around?" I asked with a stunningly cold tone, I glared down at them and took another step forward, preparing myself to fight.

"I dare you to challenge me," Percy puffed out his chest. I stared at the boy with my mouth slightly opened, he wasn't acting anything like he was described to be in his many adventures.

"Leave right now," I ordered glaring down at the girl, she was smirking as Percy's eyes began to glow blue.

"We'll get Darkness, even if it means through war," Annabeth pointed a finger towards me, giving me that knowing smile. I looked towards her finger to see a shiny ring, I then glanced towards Percy's hands, only to see a similar ring. I gave them a growl and took out my sword.

"A war it is then," I threw my sword, cutting off Annabeth's hand.

"Head my warning goddess, I will not go lightly on you," I opened my palm to flash them away. I sighed once they were out of eyesight.

"It's time to prepare for a war," I muttered softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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