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10 | It's a reason but not an obstacle

Today I spend the daytime by not doing anything. Already going out once, in the night, is more than enough for me and my introverted self.

As the evening comes around, I look at the dress I bought on the mall the other day. The one glance I take at the fabric laying on my bed is enough to assure me about the fact that it is perfect for this occasion.

Its color is a beautiful, crimson red which fits well together with my rather tanned skin. To be honest, it has a remarkable décolleté but I won't let that bother me as long as I still feel comfortable in my skin.

After I put the dress on, I round of my outfit with golden jewelry and lipstick in the same shade of red as my dress.

Looking in the mirror with a silver frame, I smile satisfied at my reflection. I really like the way I look today.

A quick glance on my watch tells me it is 8:30pm. Ha Yoon and Yoongi will have to arrive any minute from now on, picking me up. Grabbing my clutch and entering the living room, I notice my Dad who made himself comfortable on the couch, eating snacks.

A part of me wants to change clothes into something more comfortable again and join him, but I drive myself out of doing that. You can't miss your best friend's birthday. Besides, I want to see Yemi's facial expression when she opens my present later. We both love eating cotton candy, but owning a whole machine is on a whole another level.

The moment I pack my keys into my bag, the door bells rings. Disturbed from the noise, my father looks up, noticing me as I am opening the door to Ha Yoon and Yoongi.

I scan the couple in front of me from head to toe. Judging them from their current appearance only, they could belong to Hollywood.

I greet my sister and her fiancé briefly before they step into the living room, illuminating the room at a stroke with their powerful presence.

Therefore my father immediately notices us being all dressed up and then looks down on his body, covered by his black tracksuit. "You all look great. For real, seeing you makes me miss the good old days when I could pull off clothing like yours."

"Hey", Ha Yoon replies, walks towards Dad and puts her arm around his shoulder, "Don't put yourself down, your looks still kill for an old man."

My father rolls his eyes, "Well, thank you very much for saying that. I already feel so much better."

"You are welcome", Ha Yoon gives him a small nod, choosing to ignore the sarcastic undertone in his statement.

We continue to joke around a bit until I notice how fast time went by. It is already 8:56pm. In other words: we are already running late, as always. "Guys", I say stressed out, "we have to go."

Yoongi nods, "Right."


When we arrive at the club ten minutes too late, I have to gasp. Yemi had rented a whole section cut off from the rest of the venue for her party. I am not sure how much it cost, and honestly, I don't want to know.

Still being in admiration, I don't notice Yemi approaching us at first. But the moment I do, my mouth falls open. She is wearing a metallic silk dress and has her hair braided with some silver rings in it. Her whole outfit lets her appear like a model. A model who has the power to make me question my sexuality. I screech and pull Yemi into a loving hug, "Happy Birthday! You look amazing."

Although I have already gratulated her per facetime this morning, doing it in person feels a thousand times better.

"I hope every single wish of yours comes true this year. Because if someone deserves to be unconditionally happy, it is definitely you." As I hug her even tighter, Yemi chuckles. "I am serious. You are an incredible person others can only admire and I genuinely believe you are one of a kind. An understanding, cheerful and unique kind. Thank you so much for existing."

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