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17 | Dates are for psychopaths

Today is the day where Ha Yoon and Yoongi decide on the menu for their wedding. When they asked me to assist them choosing a few days ago, I naturally instantly oblige myself to grant them that favor. Taehyung gave them a firm acceptance too, I think.

And seriously, who on this planet would let a opportunity to test free, classy food slip? Only a dumbass.

When I arrive at the location, the same as where the wedding is going to take place, the other three are already awaiting me in the parking lot. The restaurant they haven chosen is rather outlying, located on a big forest lake which embellishes the already magical, calm atmosphere. Really, the only two hearable sounds are the singing of the birds around and our footsteps, as we enter the big house.

We follow the owner of the prestigious restaurant into an adjoining room, where we sit down on black leather chairs. Apparently we are supposed to wait there until our choices for the possible appetizers are prepared to be presented.

Luckily, tasting tons of Mediterranean food will keep me preoccupied today, distracting me from Miles assertion about Sora. At least that is what I hope for.

While we are left alone, Ha Yoon enlightens us about their optimal idea when it comes to the food, "We want to create our individual Tapas-dish, but I don't know which morsels we are supposed to chose."

Taehyung nods understandingly and leans forward in his seat, "As long it is no sea food I am fine with everything."

"Good for you", Yoongi replies sassily, crossing his arms, "However your personal preferences won't help us while picking out the right dishes."

"Exactly", Ha Yoon adds, while laying her hand down on Yoongi's tigh, "We need you two to act like experienced, objective chiefs. You have to assess it all; not only the taste, but also appearance, size and consistence. Understood?"

Taehyung rolls eyes, feeling like he is being scolded by his own mother. Well, Ha Yoon sometimes gives up that motherly kind of vibe.


The others begin to joke around as they are waiting for the server to return, but I remain quiet. Miles, ghosting around my mind and frightening away my carefree hormones, won't leave me alone.

She is already in, way too deep.

Did he imply that no way to pull her out exists anymore? No, I won't accept that.

This is like a fight between Miles and me, pulling around Sora like in a tug war. She is forced to walk on a thin line, separating rationality and yielding. And let me tell you; Sora fluctuates a lot.

"No no, Sohee will agree with me on this. Dates shrouded by a cloak of bacon with goat cheese are impossible to enjoy if you are not a psychopath", Taehyung assertively states, returning me back into reality when he looks at my spaced out face, "Right Sohee?"

I rapidly shake my head, vainly attempting to enter the real word again, "I am sorry, what did you just say again?" The words coming from my mouth sound way more jaded and mirthlessly than I intended, causing the others to exchange knowing glances in concern.

"Hey", Taehyung says, knitting is eyebrows in a frown, "Is something bothering you?"

As I am opening my mouth to answer with an excuse, the server enters the room again, this time with tons of different dishes. Of course Ha Yoon and Yoongi are immediately preoccupied, but Taehyung continues to wait for my response.

Should I tell him the truth? Recalling old memories, I figure that I should. Back then, he always called it out when I lied anyway. Taehyung is an Observer, he notices small details about me that others wouldn't.

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