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21 | The collection of awkward situations called 'my life'

The next hour turns out to be a total paradise. We hover to cloud nine, our taste buds getting high from the perfect constellation of various ingredients.

And I am sure right now we are reaching the long anticipated climax.

The cake, or I should rather call it the masterpiece, is a rich sponge out of three layers, covered by a white chocolate frosting and topped with all kinds of wild berries. Their intense red and violet colors protrude from the white surface of the sweet tower, watering my mouth in arousal. Between the biscuits a blackberry creme functions like a spread, its acerbic but at the same time sweet flavor making my gastric sing love songs.

Pricking my fork into the fluffy dough, I shove a noticeable piece of the fruity cake into my mouth, the food orgasm spreading into every corner of my anticipating body immediately.

"So, what do you guys think of this one?", Ha Yoon asks, unintentionally raising her fork, almost impaling the poor young woman right beside her.

It contains everything I ever looked for in a cake.

"Hm", I say, pausing a few seconds to swallow the tiny self-dissolving piece in my mouth, "This must have been passed down from the gates of heaven themselves."

The old woman considers me with a content expression displaying on her visage, "No, it was made by me. But that's almost the same thing."

Taehyung snorts amused at her remark and skews another slice of cake onto his fork, "This is too amazing."

"Yeees...", I reply and nod my head enthusiastically. The tasting adventure makes me space out, my eyelids even flutter.

While Ha Yoon, Yoongi and the Dough-Queen, that's what I am calling her now, move on to tasting the next cake, Taehyung and I seem to be stuck on the one right in front of us, the one we, strictly spoken, already ate enough from.

Strictly spoken.

"Why do people do drugs if they have the opportunity to eat cake instead?", Taehyung states, the satisfaction flowing with his voice.

I nod approvingly and shove another piece of the cooky-berry sponge into my mouth, "I have no idea, seriously."

The next few minutes follows a silent circulation of two silver forks picking into the carton until there are only crumbles left. My belly hurts from eating so much, but it's moments like this when I feel content with life. Taking a quick glance at Taehyung who has his eyes closed and calmly steps from one foot to the other, reveals me that he feels the same way.

I almost forget the presence of the others when I turn towards Taehyung who has his hands braced on the back of the chair in front of him. He quietly hums to himself, leaving me no other choice than to slightly chuckle.

I stretch myself with a content sigh, "This was delicious."

Taehyung raises his gaze to my face, biting his bottom lips once. Only now, through considering his visage more carefully, I notice the tiny bit of blackberry creme on the left corner of his mouth.

"Hey Taehyung", I say, slowly leading my thumb to the corner of my own mouth, "You have some creme there."

"Huh?", Taehyung surprisedly wipes the back of his hand over his mouth, still missing the actual spot where the purple fleck remains, "Is it gone?"

I press my lips together and shake my head, "Nope, you missed it."

"Is it here?" Taehyung moves his hand to the right side, but passes the stain for a few millimeters.

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