Chapter 2

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Sitting on the couch with my legs proped on Alex's lap, i flipped through the channels until i got to cartoon network where adventure time was on. I am such a child at heart.  As I sat there with Alex my mind slowly started drifting to my unborn child. I was unsure if I was happy I was going to be a mother or sad I was gonna have to give away my childhood. I was mentally debating whether I wanted to keep it. Of course abortion was out of the question but giving him or her to an adoption agency wasn't. A child shouldn't raise a child.  I was in no way shape or form able to raise a child. For hell's sake a haven't even moved out of my mom's house and I damn sure don't have the money to care for a child on my own.

"Babe,  you Ok? You're awfully quiet." Alex said dragging me out of my thoughts.

"yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking about our little creations and how we're going to take care of it." I said looking Alex in the eyes. Alex pulled me on his lap and kissed my head softly.

"We'll figure something out. I promise. I think we'll be the best parents ever. " he said comforting me.

"I agree. you two will be the coolest parents around." Sonya chimed in as she came from the kitchen dragging Trace behind her.

"really?" I questioned.

"of course! I'm hoping some day Trace will make me a mommy." she said looking at Trace.

"I will but just not now." Trace said avoiding Sonya's gaze.

"well I would love to stay and chat about your baby but I'm going to Trace's house tonight. see y'all tomorrow." Sonya said dragging Trace out of the house. when she left I decided it was time for me to go to bed. I kissed Alex good night and and told him to come to bed when he was ready then I was off to my room. I crawled into bed and sang to Peirce the veil till I was fast asleep.

I woke up to my phone blaring an annoying tone. i sit up and saw alex had gotten in bed with me. I grab my phone and answer it after seeing it was Sonya.

"Do you have any idea how late it is sonya?! it's 1:44 in the fucking morning!" i whisper yelled.

" I know but i need you to come get me." she spoke in a low but frantic voice.

"Why? what's wrong?" i questioned just as frantic.

"He beat me." she whispered through the phone and i nearly lost it.

"I'll be right there." i said before hanging up the phone.

"Alex get the hell up! Get up now!" i yelled urgently.

"Why? What's up baby? are you ok? is our baby ok?" he asked jumping up.

"We're going to go get sonya right now." i said throwing on my sweat pants and a band tee since i liked to sleep in just my undies. Alex also threw on some clothes and grabbed his car keys and rushed out the door after me. Not asking any questions he drove to Trace's house. When we got there I jumped out the car and ran up to the door.

"Sonya! Sonya! Open up sis!" i yelled as i banged on the door. A tired Trace answered the door.

"Do you realize what time it is?" he asked with annoyance laced in every word. I pussed past him and searched for my sister. i found her cowarded in a corner in his room. i slowly helped her up, repeating " Everythings ok sweety. I'm here now. I'll always be here."

As I began to leave the room i was stopped by Trace.

'What the hell is going on?" he asked confused and annoyed.

"You been hitting my sister you pig!" i said angrily.

"Is this what this is about? Babe a said i was sorry. I really didnt mean to hurt you. It was an accident." he pleaded. I walked past him, holding a up beaten Sonya. i helped her in the car where Alex was waiting. I walked back up to trace, who was now standing in the door way, and slapped the taste out of his mouth.

"Dont you dare touch my sister again!" I yelled before storming off and getting into the car.

Alex drove back home and helped me with Sonya. We carried her to the  bathroom and i started to clean up her face. she wasnt beaten badly but she was still beaten by the man who suposedly loves her. She had a black eye, a busted lip, and a hand print on her arm where it looked like he grabbed her. I wet a wash clothe and wipped her face off.

"You act like im made of glass." Sonya joked.

"To me you are." i responded

"When ever you're ready to talk about what happened im right here. I dont espect you to do it tonight because you have to be tired." I said. she nodded and i finished up with her and walked her to my room. Alex and i already talked about it and he agrees that i should sleep with my sister tonight. i took off my sweats and slipped on my shorts and threw Sonya a pair of shorts and a tank top. she slid them on and we crawled in the bed. I put my forehead to sonya's and Grabbed her hands.

"I love you Sonya" i whispered.

"I love you too Sky." she whispered back. I watched as Sonya was fell soundly asleep before i finally drifted off to sleep.

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