chapter 8

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" Can you belive him!" I exclaimed as a pushed through the racks of clothes at Zumies "How dare he say such a thing. Tyler has no right to say he wishes the baby was his. Fucking douche bag!" I continued to rant until Erica shut me up with a frustrated sigh.

"Dude chill, I'm mad about it too but I'd like to remind you that you getting all stressed about a nobody is not healthy for little Scarlett. so can we peacefully shop?"

"Scarlett?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep. Jake and I thought of it."

"I actually like that but if anything I'm naming my baby after it's father."

"Awe that's adorable... and typical but mostly cute."

" Well thank I'm glad my kids name is typical." My voice oozed with sarcasim.

" You know what I mean." Erica said letting out a little chukle.

Erica and I bought our items we selected and made our way back to Spencer's. As expected Alex was at the front counter tending to costumers.
After he was done with his customers I walked up to the counter. Alex noticed my presents and looked up at me and rolled his eyes.
"guess who stopped by today. " He looked very annoyed
" Who? Tyler?" I asked.
"How'd you know?"
"Saw him outside of hot topic. He really pissed me off. Talking about how Bridget was a mistake and he wishes it could be his baby."
"Is this nigga serious?"
"Babe don't say that. I don't like that word when anybody says it. " I scolded. The word is stupid and I think it makes people sound ignorant especially white people. You're not automatically cool because you say nigga.
"It's fine."
"But just how dare he? He acts like he's trying to get you back. He told me that I won't be around much longer."
"The plan is for you to be around forever. So don't let him bother you." I kissed Alex passionately only coming up for air a few seconds.
"PDA!" Erica screamed, causing everyone in the store to look at us. Alex and I pulled away immediately.
"Fucking cock blocker." I glared at Erica while Alex just chukled.
Erica and I said our goodbyes to Alex and headed home.
Trace and I had apparently fell asleep after some hella good makeup sex. I had woken up still wrapped in his arms. His sleeping figure looked so peaceful, but his phone kept dinging. I picked up his phone from the night stand next to the bed. Apparently the girl from the store the other day was blowing up his phone. I continue to read his messages.
Jenifer: why would you even want such a young inexperienced girl?
Trace: no reply
Jenifer: oh are we going to play this game? Admit it. You're still in love with this fat ass. The girl is obviously just a way to try to get over me.
Trace: y after all this time u decide u want 2 start calling and texting me again? Of course I still love u I'll always love u...
There was more to the text, the damn boy sent a novel to the bitch, but I didn't want to read anymore. I am so done with this bull shit! I get up and start to put on my clothes. I had only gotten on my T-shirt when Trace started to stir. He started to feel around for me. When he realized I wasn't there he shot up quickly. He looked at me and smirked.
"Good morning beautiful."
"Fuck you!" I responded.
"whoa what'd I do?" I threw the phone at him.
"you don't love me! You never did! I guess I was just there to fill a void miss Jenny from the block left. All the months we been together obviously meant nothing ! How dumb was I to believe that someone like you could actually love someone like me! " Tears flowed freely down my face as I yelled.
"What do you mean someone like me and someone like you?"
"I don't know! Every scorned bitch in the movies says shit like that!" I yelled through sobs.
"Where is all of this coming from?"
"Oh like you don't know! I'm done I can't I'm leaving."
"We just made up and now we're fighting again."
"Because you made your choice." With that I left his house.

His To Hold (sequeal to His To Keep) (bwwm)Where stories live. Discover now