Chapter 6

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Sonya grabbed her stuff quickly and  excitedly got it the car. I guess I was doing a good thing letting her go back but I'm not sure. I mean what if something happens to her.  ugh this was really nerve wrecking but Sonya practicly begged me to let her go to him, so finely I agreed, but not before talking to Erica about it. Erica said we should give trace one more chance. I walked to the car after Sonya and got in. 

"did you grab the stuff you said you needed? " I asked buckling my seat belt.

she replied with a quick "yep" and we left.

We arrived at Trace's house in less than ten minutes. Trace was sitting on his steps with a cigarette in his hand. He took a  long drag then noticed my car and quickly jumped up. When I had parked the car Sonya got out of the car and quickly ran to Trace. She pulled Trace into a huge hug. Trace hugged her back and I saw that as my sign to leave. I pulled out of his driveway with the idea to call and check on her later. once I arrived home Alex treated me to lunch. He made a Mexican pizza, as Taco Bell would call it.I guess my man is a mini chef. I finish eating my food and think about our little miracle. In about a  month or two  we'll be able to tell what our little baby's gender will be. I hope its a girl, i really want to pick out pretty little cute dress. Don't get it twisted though because my baby will also have some band merch. If it's a  boy I want to him to be a gentleman and look like a little gentleman. I'm so excited to find out what my baby is going to be! Alex is going apartment searching with me after he gets off of work today. He currently works at Spencer's while I  work at hottopic. On days we work the same sift we always spend our breaks together.

"what are you thinking about?" Alex asks, startling me a little.

"OH just everything, the baby, work, you, everything. " I respond looking down with a  hopeful smile.

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