chapter 4

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Sonya's P.O.V of last night

Trace and I stopped by Walmart to pick up some stuff to make dinner. I happily jump out of the car and waited for Trace. When he came around the car, he grabbed my hand intwining our fingers. we entered the store and began looking up and down the food isles  looking for different veggies and seasonings. As Trace and i were picking out what kind of meat the recipe, we looked up last minute, needed, a pretty girl with dark brown hair and green eyes  came running up to Trace.  She instantly jumped on Trace's back. Trace let out a shocked gasp.

"What the hell?! " Trace exclaimed.

"Remember me? " the girl said excitedly. Trace's facial expression instantly changed from a annoyed face to a nervous one.  I shifted my weight to my right side and crossed my arms.  Trace glanced at me and sensed that I was pissed. The girl's eyes followed his gaze and finally noticed me standing here.  she let go of Trace and gave me a death glare which I quickly returned. " So who's the black barbie?" she said with enmity in her voice. She was a pretty girl. she had soft caramel skin and a flawless face with nice full lips and pretty green almond eyes. Her figure was on point too.  I might as well just hand Trace to her. 

" No the real question is who's the little mixed trick? " I ask irritated.  Trace looked uncomfortable.

"Umm this is Jenifer, and Jennifer this is Sonya my girlfriend." he said quietly and nervously.

"oh so you're the downgrade?" she said smugly.

"actually I'm the upgrade bitch." I said just as smugly and extended my hand to shake hers.   She looked at my hand and rolled her eyes. I folded up my arms and looked at her.

"so did Trace show you any of those tricks I taught him? Trace is really good with those hands and don't even get me started on the things he can do with his tongue." she said with a cocky smirk on face.  I wanted nothing more than  to knock her into the next millennium. so I did. that last comment about Trace set me off. I lunged at Jeniffer and  began swinging. she pulled my hair and tried pushing me off.  Trace pulled me off the girl  and he walked to the cash register dragging me all the way. He paid for our stuff and still holding on to me he walked to  the car. He opened my door and and told me to get in. I'm not getting in, not before giving him a little bit of attitude.

"So who the fuck was that bitch?  an Ex?" I asked yelling.

"Sonya we'll talk about it later!" he yelled back.

"no I want to talk about it now!" I exclaimed.

"fine! she's the girl I was fucking before I  was with you!"

I rolled my eyes and sat on the car as frustrated tears began to roll down my cheeks. Trace sighed and got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot. when  we arrived at his house he turned of the car and looked at me.  He took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

"babe I'm sorry about what happened at the store. Jenny was way out of line." he said.

"Fuck you and Fuck her." I said getting out of the car and slamming the door. He followed behind me and unlocked the door once we had made it to the front porch.

We walked in and I turned to him and rolled my eyes and sat on the couch.

"you know what I'm about tired of this little attitude of yours. its really pissing me off." Trace said annoyed.

"go fuck yourself. or better yet go fuck Jenifer!" I yelled standing back up.

"I already have and if this doesn't work out I'm planning on fucking her again!" he yelled back. at that point my anger took over and before I  knew it I was throwing a glass vase at his head.  lucky for him I have bad aim and just barely missed him.  As the vase shattered against the wall Trace had me pinned against the wall.

"You're on fucking drugs aren't you?" he yelled.

"fuck off!" I yelled and spit in his face and before I  new it he punched me. When he realized what he had just done he let me go and I dropped to my knees and began to cry.

" babe I am so sorry. I-i didn't mean to. I swear." he whispered as he held me in his arms.  I pushed him away.

"No leave me alone." I said through tears as I stood up and walked to the bathroom and locked myself in.

"Baby please? I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry" Trace sounded as if he were about to cry too. I stayed in the bathroom until Trace finally decided to leave and go to bed.  I called Sky immediately after he left. It had to be around 1 something by now.

"Sonya it's 1:44!" she scolded.

"Sky he hit me." I cried. 

"I'm on my way" she said before hanging up.  within 5 minutes Skylar was at the front door calling my name. I came out the bathroom and was about to open the door, but before I could reach the door Trace came out his room and told me to go lay down and that of needed my rest, so I just sat on the corner and pouted. he answered the door and Sky pushed past him and helped me up.  Trace stopped us and pleaded about how he didn't mean to.  we walked past him and sky put me in the car before walking back to Trace and slapping the taste out of his mouth.

once we got home sky and I laid in bed and talked until we fell asleep. 

when morning came I woke up to a still sleeping Sky so I played on my phone. Sky woke up about 30 minutes after me. she stretched before speaking.

"so you  gonna tell me what happened." she asked looking completely interested. I slowly nodded and began to tell her everything.

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