chapter 7

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Alex looked down at me and smiled.
"well baby mama i have to go to work. Rest up  and when i get back we'll go apparent searching, okay?" he spoke in a soft caring voice.
"okay baby daddy." i responded, standing up to kiss him. He had a short passionate kiss.
"love you" alex said momentarily breaking our kiss.
"i love you too" i said giving him another quick peck on the lips before he left. Alex got in his car and i watched as his car disapeared into the distance from the window.
I sat back down on the couch and began to watch AHS. After awhile i started to dose off into dream land.... that is untill Erica  busted in my door startling me out of my sleep.

"DUDE HAVE YOU HEARD BRING ME THE HORIZON'S NEW SONG?!?!?" She spoke in a loud excited voice.

"No i didn't even know it was out yet." i said wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Dude you have to listen to it, but i came here to ask you about going to a Bring Me The Horizon concert." she said.

I shrug "What about it?"

"Can you still go even with mini you in there?" she looked at my stomach and then met my eyes again.

"I don't know. I think I'd be ok." I responded giving a thoughtfull gaze.

"ask your doctor during your next appointment. Speaking of which, when is your next appointment?"

"next month. I get see if its a boy or a girl." I smiled and placed a hand on my small baby bump.

"You look so cute with your little belly!" erica said poking my stomach. 

"Wait until I get fat." I joked.

 "But anyways we need to go get new outfits for the concert. Its next month, by the way,  on the 25th."

"ok cool, my appointment is the 15th and I'm always game for buying new band merch. We should go to Spencer's, Zumies and HotTopic. "

"you abviously know me so well."

With that I grabed my stuff and we left. the drive was about 10 minutes and the whole time Erica blasted Drown. I have to say that i liked it. No scratch that loved it. Erica parked her car as close to the entrance. When we got to the mall we went straight to spencer's. Mostly because alex worked there and they have some pretty cool stuff.

   We walk in and i go straight to the back of the store. Alex always hangs around in the back. Alex is talking to a co-worker with his back turned torwards me. The co-worker spoted me and i put my finger over my mouth to signal him to not say anything. He smirked and went back to his conversation,nodding at whatever alex said. I went to jump on Alex but he turned around and caught me just in time.

"Damn it! you said something, didn't you?" said sending a playful glare. The other guy just laughed and walked away. Alex kissed me before asking us what we were doing.

"Getting new Band merch." we responded in unison. Alex let out a light chuckle and ran his hand through his hair. Totes sexy by the way. Another worker started to call alex to the front.

"well babe i have to get back to work you two browse around and before you leve the mall come give me my goodbye kiss." He gave me a peck on my cheek and i just nodded my head in response. Erica and i went off to our next destination. We arrived at hottopic and practicaly bought out the whole store. Sometimes having a rich sperm donor comes in handy. As we were walking out of the store with our tons of bags, i accidently tripped some dude with my foot while i was trying to walk.

"Oh my god, dude i am so sorry!" i said helping up.

"It's ok, I'm good." he said. His voice sounded familiar. Super familiar. When he finally got to his feet i got a look of his face and as i looked at his face my heart started to hurt.It was Tyler. You know the guy who ripped out my heart and stomped on it? yea that asshole.

"oh hey sky." HE spoke after realizing it was me.

"Hey tyler." I said rolling my eyes.

"so who's the new girl?" He asked directing his attention to Erica

"that's erica, she's Jakes girl. so Where's that other girl?" I asked refering to his girlfriend.

"You mean Bridgette? yea we don't even talk anymore."

"why not?"

" Because she was a mistake." 

I responded with a mmmhmm.

"Oh this is the douchebag of an ex Jake was telling me about?" Erica asked as it finally clicked.

"yea it is." i responded.

"Well Tyler i would love to hear how you found out the other girl was a mistake." Erica said erging him to go on.

"well she was nothing that i was looking for in my dream girl. She was high maintanice. Always craved attention from anything that moved. Everything was 'me me me' with her. if i wanted time to myself or to hang with my friends, i was the villan. She never once tried to take part of my intrests."

"awe that's too bad because Sky's happy and is having a little Alex Jr." She said placing a hand on my stomach.

"Yea i see, she's showing. It's too bad it's not a Tyler Jr." he responded.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad my baby isn't an asshole Jr." i responded walking around him and heading to zumies. Erica pushed passed him and followed behind.

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