♡ 43 ♡

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Taehyung was still panting. Running away from two big ass dogs sure wasn't on his schedule today. Though, now that he was inside a pungent, half-emptied trashcan in someone's yard, he had to keep quiet and took note to take a shower once he got home. That's if, he does. Well, at least the smell of trash covered up his natural scent— hopefully that'll mislead the ferocious dogs. But damn, what the hell do these people eat? The trash doesn't even smell like what once was food.

The blonde noticed there was a garage across the street, a dim light emitted through the half-opened door. The garage was connected to the house across, it's not those ones you'd have to walk out your house for to get to. Plus, it was at the front of the house instead of the back. Welp, now or never. It's either he stays inside the trash can for the next little while, or hope he doesn't get sued for trespassing. He didn't have that many options so, 'make a run for it' it is. He did his best to stay quiet while he stepped out of the rusty, dented trashcan— closing his eyes in disappointment and ready to be dragged by the dogs when his shoe came off and fell inside, making a faint noise. But thankfully, he was still safe and there were no sign of the dogs within the area he was at. He dug the trash for his shoe and fished it out soon enough. Gross. It was covered in God knows what. Taehyung ran across the street in a hurry, one shoe on and holding the other. He ducked under the open garage door and found the button to close it, which he instantly did. He thought he was okay now, that's until he heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the door that connected to the house.

Oh shit, that's it. He's fucked. If he gets caught he'll be sued by two people, the one he hit and the one who owns the garage he snuck into. Just great. He didn't want to seem as a theif and likely get arrested. He had to do something, and fast. Taehyung looked around the garage and there were completely no good hiding spots. Ah... the car. Hoping it was left unlocked, he pulled on the door handle of the back seats. Wow, finally something was going his way. He climbed inside the backseat but crouched down on the car floor, rolling himself into a ball and putting his head down. The car windows were tinted, he just anticipated that he wouldn't be seen. Besides, he was wearing a navy blue hoodie— that should help, right?

Yet when he heard the driver's door open, his breath hitched. Yep, that was the end of it. "Please don't look back, please don't look back" was the only thing that ran through Taehyung's head. When he heard that the ignition was turned on and the seatbelt clicked, the car took off somewhere. Okay, well at least he didn't get caught yet. Yet. He'll just have to sneak out when the driver leaves. He waited and waited for the car to be parked somewhere but when the span of half an hour hit, Taehyung began to feel really sleepy. He wasn't comfortable in his position, but he didn't even care about that. He wanted to sleep now. Hmm, maybe he'll just doze off for five minutes, that shouldn't hurt right? And so, the blonde shut his eyes and fell asleep within a few moments.

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