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Jungkook carefully carried Taehyung up in his arms. His goal was to carry the older back in his own room so that he could finally get some sleep, but all his plans crashed and burned when he tripped over something in the dark, making him and Taehyung fall right onto the bed. Oh fuck, now he was on top of Taehyung... on Jungkook's bed. Well, at least the other was still somehow asleep. How tired could he be to not wake up after all that?

Jungkook's face was only inches away from Taehyung's— if the blonde was awake he'd probably feel Jungkook's nervous breaths on his lips. Yep, their lips almost touched when they fell. Almost. But something made Jungkook not want to pull away instantly. Rather, he took a few moments to examine Taehyung. Okay, so yeah he is pretty, and despite all that attitude, Jungkook actually found Taehyung alright. Sure, he can be a pain, but Jungkook thought that he'd be able to handle him. The younger stared at the other's face, scanning it from his closed eye lids, his cute nose and his pretty pink lips that was a little open to let out tiny breaths. Thank God, the fall made him stir in his sleep and stop snoring.

Jungkook snapped back to his senses when he realized he was staring too long. And perhaps because he started to lean in closer to the other. Just before he was about to stand up properly to carry Taehyung back to his original room, he was taken aback when somebody yanked on his shirt's collar, dragged him down on the bed and wrapped arms around his waist. What the fuck, does Taehyung really sleep like this? Jungkook's breath hitched realizing how much closer he was to Taehyung now. The other had a tight grip around his waist, his legs were wrapped around one of Jungkook's and he was holding him so close that the brunette could feel the blonde's chest pressing against his back.

Jungkook contemplated on what he should do, but oh well, it was nearly four in the morning. Guess he'll just have to go with the flow for now and deal with it later on. After all, he really really needed sleep.

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