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"Taehyung please, don't do this. I'll stop. I'm sorry," Jungkook apologizes, holding Taehyung back from packing his things. Jungkook got Taehyung out of the situation he put him in. He told the authorities that he was no longer going to press charges, and that Taehyung was not at fault. They respected his decision and let Taehyung go, Jungkook even brought him home himself.

"Look, Jungkook. I thought we were fine. But turns out, if I keep living here with you, it won't do me any good. Living with you is hell, my life started to go downhill. You almost cost me my job that I worked so hard for. You have no idea what I've been through just to be where I am. I don't know what I did to you other than hit you with an ambulance, which I never intended to do. But I hope everything you did to me made up for it."

"I know how hard you worked to get your job, I'm so sorry I almost ruined everything... twice."

"You know?" Taehyung scoffed, "How would you know? All you've done is put me through so much problems. What, you don't think I already had enough to deal with?"

Jungkook was mentally panicking. He took a step closer to Taehyung, fidgeting by pulling on the string that was loose inside his hoodie's sleeve, "Tae I don't really know how to tell you this but... I'm..."

"You're what?" Taehyung stared at him coldly. Oh shit. There was no way he could tell him the truth at this point. Well, maybe not the whole truth.

"I uh.... I'm... I, I l-like you."

Taehyung burst out in laughter, "Like me? Yeah sure, like that'll get me to stay. If you're worried about the rent then I'll pay for the next few months if you want. But I really can't stay here any longer."

"Would you just listen to me? Just trust me oka—"

"Trust? Jungkook, you don't ask for trust. You earn it. And in this world, I only trust one person. Someone who's been there for me when nobody else wasn't. Funny because I don't even interact with them in real life, yet I trust them with my whole heart. So I can assure you, that isn't you," Taehyung zipped up his duffel bag, throwing the strap over his shoulder, passing Jungkook and exiting his bedroom.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook says under his breath, barely audible. Of course Taehyung didn't hear it. He was already downstairs getting ready to leave. And Jungkook decided to let him.

Ambulance 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now