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Taehyung kept on kicking a random pebble on the street, giving his full attention to it everytime it travelled distance after distance— velocity changing each time. He didn't care where the small stone would lead him, all he knew was that he needed time for himself, not to think about things, but rather to distract himself from his current problems. Hence why he didn't expect for the pebble to take him to his biggest one. When he kicked it a little too hard, it went far. Far enough to land by someone's feet. Taehyung looked up at whose shoe he almost hit, not prepared to see someone he's been thinking about so much lately.

"Jungkook," he awkwardly greeted, looking around where they were at the moment to avoid eye contact. The two were both on a bridge, cars were passing by hastily behind them. The brunette was looking out at the river below them before Taehyung noticed his presence there.

"I'm sor—"

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault," the younger cuts him off. Jungkook wasn't even looking at him, he didn't even take his eyes off of the river.

"I shouldn't have told you to leave like that."

"It was my fault."

The blonde takes a few steps closer to the other, "Not entirely. It's my fault why you got mad at me and made me go through all those things an—"

"I didn't expect for us to meet like this."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, "What? On a bridge at night?"

"It was supposed to be somewhat sappy. Maybe like a cliché coffee shop, or maybe something we both really enjoy like, at an amusement park?"

"What are you talking about?" The older wasn't sure of what was going on, but why did his heart start to beat faster? Why was his breathing getting deep?

"My name is Jungkook."

"Um, I know? Jungkook are you okay? I mean—"


That name... How? Taehyung's face fell. Suddenly the world around him paused— he could no longer hear the wheels of the cars passing by sweep the ground, he couldn't hear the beeping of the cars in the traffic past the bridge. He couldn't see the other people walking by them. It was suddenly just him and Jungkook then and there.

"How do you—"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know, and even if I did, I shouldn't have made someone suffer like that. After this you'll probably hate me, but people told me to do what's right, so I'm glad you actually found me here tonight. At first I doubted it, I tried to convince myself everything was just a coincidence. But, when you told me you were a paramedic, things started to add up."


"I've already apologized to you so much, I don't know how to make it up for this one. But I want you to know that you have nothing to apologize for, because everything was my fault in the beginning."

The blonde's eyes were starting to get glassy, "W-what?"

"The day you hit me with an ambulance, you were right. It was my fault that I got hit. It was the day you texted me saying your friend left you during work, and that you were on your way to do something alone for the first time. Which I guess, was to drive the ambulance. I read your text late, so before I crossed the street on my way home I foolishly decided to text back to tell you that you'll be fine, that you could do it, even if you were on your own. Also to not be scared, if anything goes wrong, I will still be there for you. I was in the middle of typing my message— I didn't notice that it wasn't safe to walk, so I still did, which got me hit by you. However, I guess it was worth the pain and being hospitalized for a few days, because if that didn't happen, then I wouldn't have met you in person."

Ambulance 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now