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16th of February 2019

"Hey Sienna," a voice said as I began to walk outside for lunch, trying to spot Shawn in the swarm of people.

"What do you want Luke?" I huffed, as I was in a rush and wanted to sit down to eat my pasta with my friends.

"Sit with me today?" he asked, like a child which made me giggle slightly. Ever since Luke texted me after the party, we have been texting and Snapchatting pretty much non stop, which was weird, considering that he is one of my brother's good friends.

"Don't you think that is a little weird?" I asked, putting on my blue blazer over my light blue school dress, adjusting my ponytail like it would help me find Shawn any faster.

"No, why?" Luke asked, completely oblivious to the fact that Ashton is my brother and that we do not really associate at school that often, not because we don't want to, but because we find it slightly weird if we sit with each other.

"I think you forget that Ashton is my brother," I said as Luke sat down at one of the many wooden tables around the school, indicating that he wanted me to sit down with him, and so I did.

"Well, I don't care, because I have something to ask you."

"Well, get on with it because I want to eat my lunch," I said, eying off my cold pasta in the clear container in front of me.

"Settle down," Luke said rolling his eyes at me, as I noticed Shawn and Henry walking over to where we have been sitting for the last week.

"I am not hysterical," I said, noticing the amused look on Luke's face, the sun shining off his many badges that were situated on the folds of his white blazer. I heard the familiar laugh of Ashton, who was walking over with Calum, Michael and two girls who I understood to be Eleanor Calder and Emma Myers, Louis's and Harry's girlfriends.

"Anyways, that is my cue to leave," I said with a smirk, ignoring Luke's defeated look and sad eyes.

"Sienna please," Luke begged and I grinned as I got up to walk away.

"Bye Luke." I ignored the sad look on his face as if he wanted to talk to me so badly, he could just talk to me after school.

"Dude, what was that about?" I heard Calum ask Luke, not bothering to turn around to look at them.

"Who knows, she is so bloody frustrating," Luke huffed, knowing that I could hear him, but still not choosing to turn around, as I felt the grin on my face fall when he said that. I continued to walk away from them, ignoring the feeling that they were watching me. I finally reached the table with my friends on it, letting out a large sigh as I sat down between Henry and Milly.

"You okay?" Henry asked as I opened my lunch and stabbed a piece of cold pasta with my fork.

"Yep, perfectly fine," I said with a fake smile, not understanding why Luke's words were bothering me so much. I felt Shawn's eyes on me for the rest of lunch, making sure that I was okay, which I was, I was just annoyed as to why Luke's words make me feel so crappy, for no apparent reason. After lunch, I had double History with Henry, as Shawn, Isabel, Jack and Milly all had Chemistry.

"What is the go with you and Luke Hemmings?" Henry whispered as we were taking notes on the Irish Easter uprising of 1916. I sighed, not knowing the answer to that question, as there is nothing happening between us.


"Are you sure about that?" Henry asked as I adjusted the glasses on my nose, to get a better look at the notes on the board. I shrugged my shoulder as we both continued to take notes on the board.

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