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March the 9th 2019

"How are you only just turning sixteen?" I laughed, questioning Stefan on his age.

"Beats me," he said sculling a beer before opening another one and handing me a Cruiser for me to drink. It was the night of Stefan's sixteenth, and all seven of us were currently having pre drinks at his house before everybody else arrives.

"Weird hey," Milly said with a grin on her face, coming to join us to where we were about to start playing beer pong. I knew that Luke was coming tonight, and at the same time I wish he wasn't because things have been extremely awkward between us after we spoke to each other on Thursday night.

"Do you want to play teams or just singles?" Stefan asked as everyone walked over to us, Shawn giving me an awkward smile which I returned, since we haven't been on the best terms lately since Luke asked me to formal.

"What is this, tennis?" Jack asked sarcastically, Isabel holding his hand with a grin on her face at his words.

"You're an idiot Jack," Stefan said rolling his eyes, but he ended up deciding to play in partners, Stefan teaming up with Milly and myself with Henry. We ended up playing until everybody started to arrive, all of us now considerably intoxicated as we had been drinking for a while now.

"Hey," someone said walking up behind me, and I turned around immediately to see Luke with a shy grin on his face.

"Oh hey," I said leaning against the table, trying to steady myself as I wanted to have a conversation with the boy with the blue eyes.

"How much have you had to drink?" he laughed, standing considerably close to me, offering me his hand to keep my stable, which I took.

"Probably too much," I giggled, pretending not to notice the feeling that he gave me when he took my hand.

"Oh Sienna," Luke said shaking his head, his messy blonde hair going ever here making me laugh at how silly he looked.

"Whoops," I said taking another sip of my drink, Luke taking it out of my hand before I could drink anymore.

"C'mon, let's get you something to eat," he said taking my hand and leading me through the crowd of people, both of us ignoring the looks that we were getting form everyone.

"Thanks," I said as he handed me a bowl of chips and a glass of water, both of us sitting on Stefan's parents kitchen bench, the music thumping around us.

"Feeling better?" he asked as I downed my glass of water and began eating the chips he had given me, his hand resting gently on my back.

"Yeah," I said with a grin, Luke shuffling closer to me, his red shirt exposing his chest slightly which made me blush but thankfully he didn't notice.

"Good, we need to talk then," he said gesturing towards outside and I nodded, feeling slightly nervous about what we wanted to talk about.

"Okay," I said gently sliding off the counter and placing the chips down and following him outside to another table which was empty, Luke pulling up two chairs for us to sit down on.

"Okay," Luke sighed and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, feeling like I wasn't going to like what he had to say.


"God I'm so nervous," he said running his long fingers through his hair, my heart beginning to beat faster than usual.

"Spit it out or I'm going to get another drink," I said rolling my eyes and standing up, Luke groaning in frustration as I went to walk away but instead he ended up grabbing my hand and spinning my around, my body so close that I could the slight bruise he had on his collar bone that Michael had given him the other day.

"What are you doing Luke?" I asked, both of us breathing heavily.

"Do you like me?" Luke asked and I almost dropped my jaw at how abrupt his question was.

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked, suddenly feeling very hot and extremely nervous.

"Because, I need to know Sienna," Luke said, still holding my hand, his thumb gently massaging my hand.


"Because I think you do," Luke said now with a slight smirk.

"Oh do you now?" I said raising an eyebrow at him, trying not to smile.

"Mhmmm," he said taking a step closer to me. "But the thing is Si, I like you, so I need to know if you do too."

"Oh, no shit," I giggled suddenly feeling my face go extremely red but Luke not minding because he was smiling, his cheeks blushing too.

"Oh good," he said placing his hand on my lower back. "Otherwise this would be really awkward," Luke said and without any warning at all, Luke's lips were on mine and we were sharing our first kiss.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Our lips perfectly moulded together, my body feeling like it was on fire. My hands were now resting on his shoulders, no space between us. Luke ended up breaking the kiss before things got too intense, ignoring the slight pout on my face.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" he said leaning against the table, knocking over a red cup and spilling some liquid on the table.

"Kiss me?" I question sitting on the table, our shoulders touching.

"Are you serious?" he laughed, looking at me with a smile on his face and I nodded so he continued to talk. "Because you are something else, you are a breath of fresh air for me, I can't stop thinking about you Sienna and I haven't since the day I met you."

"Really?" I questioned, so unsure how someone like Luke could feel this way about me. Luke was confident and bold, his smile broke hearts and his eyes made girls weak at the knees.

"Sienna I asked you to formal, we have hung out multiple times, surely you had some idea that I liked you."

"I thought you were just being a nice friend," I giggled and Luke just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Oh my god you are so silly," he said kindly. "You do like me though, right?" he asked nervously and I nodded, almost too egerly.

"Would I have kissed you back if I didn't?" I asked raising and eyebrow at Luke who was fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt. One think I have noticed about Luke is that his fashion sense is all over the place. One weekend he could be a wearing a blazer and chinos, and the next a red shirt and black pants.

"True," he said placing a hand on my bare leg, sending shivers down my spine as he did.

"Why did you tell me this now?" I asked, referring to the fact we were at a party and not alone.

"Because," he said with a grin, "You look so good in that dress I almost couldn't help myself."


hello whats up !

for anyone who doesn't know what a cruiser is its like premixed Vodka and I drink too many of them every weekend :)

Sienna's outfit is the photo below !

Sienna's outfit is the photo below !

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thanks for reading xo

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