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March the 22nd 2019

"Are you nervous?" Luke asked and I shook my head as we walked over to the club netball courts from his car. Truth be told, I had spent the whole day at school freaking out about my first club netball game for the year.

In Adelaide, I had been playing with the same girls my whole entire life, but now I had to get used to a new team, and different competition.

"Nope," I laughed looking down at the ground, avoiding looking at Luke as he could probably tell that I was lying. We eventually reached the club rooms, and I could hear my pre-game playlist playing in the rooms.

"Good luck Si, you'll be great," Luke said with a smile and kissed my cheek before I could say anything else, which made me blush slightly.

"Thanks, Luke," I said with a smile as he went to sit with Ashton and everybody else that was here to watch. I walked into the club rooms to find most girls already here, strapping their knees or ankles, which I had to do as well since both of my ankles and my left knee are quite injury prone.

"Hey Sienna," Isla said with a smile as I sat down next to her which I returned. Isla was the only girl from school in my team, most of the other girls in our team were from other schools around us and we would be playing them in school netball throughout the year.

"Hey Isla," I said as I began to strap my ankles and knees, the chatter dying down in the rooms as our coach walked into the room and gave us our pre-game talk and assigned us our positions. I would be playing Goal Attack, whilst Isla would be in Centre, which means she would be doing the must running throughout the game. 

The other team we were versing were the Western Sydney Giants, who apparently are quite good according to our coach. We ended up winning the game by five goals, which in Netball is not a lot. Throughout the game, Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton continued to try and embarrass Isla and me throughout the game, by giving us over the top applause and reactions when one of us scored a goal. 

"So, what do you want to do now?" Calum asked us after we finished our cool down and post-game talk, heading back to the car park where the boys had parked their cars.

"We have a pool?" Ashton suggested and before anybody said anything else Isla interjected that she did not have any bathers to wear.

"You can borrow some of mine?" I suggested and Isla nodded, all of us agreeing that we will meet back at mine and Ashton's house for a swim and dinner. Isla went with Ashton, whilst Michael and Calum drove together, leaving Luke and I to drive alone.

"You never told me you were such a good player," Luke said with a smirk as we drove off and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not," I protested.

"Whatever you say, Irwin," he said with a smile and I just rolled my eyes at him again as I took off my netball shoes and put on my Nike slides instead.

"Interesting choice of footwear," Luke said with an eyebrow raise as we neared our street, the windows slightly down letting in the fresh air around us.

"Okay, you can't talk because you were wearing the exact same pair as me the other day," I scoffed as we pulled up into his driveway, Luke laughing as we opened our doors and got out of his car in unison.

"Hey I never said they were bad, I just said that they were interesting."

"I hate you," I said as I grabbed my bag and headed to my door, unlocking it to reveal an excited Jordan waiting for us.

"Hey sissy!" he said hugging my leg which made my heart melt slightly.

"Hey Jordy," I said bending down to give him a kiss on the head which he returned, which earned an 'awe' from Luke.

"Si, who is that?" Jordan asked as I picked him up, his green eyes filled with curiosity about who this blonde haired blue eyed boy was.

"This is Luke, you have met him before," I said with a smile and Jordan nodded, clearly not remembering their encounter a few days before Christmas.

"Hey little man," Luke said with a smile and Jordan gave him a grin before resting his head on my shoulder, telling me that he and Dad were going to go walk Lulu now.

"Where is Mummy?" I asked as I gently put him down, Luke placing his bag down in the kitchen.

"She is still at work, I fink," Jordan said and I nodded before he ran outside to go with our Dad and take Lulu on a walk.

"You can use some of Ashton's bathers," I said as Luke followed me upstairs and to my bedroom, which was considerably messy for me.

"Is this is your room?" Luke asked with a grin and I rolled my eyes, as he knew that it was my room and he was just taking the piss out of me.

"Nope, this is Ashton's room," I said with a grin before shutting the door so I could put on a bikini. I ended up choosing a light pink one, before heading back downstairs with a blue one for Isla who I assumed was here by now, which she was, along with Ashton Calum and Michael. 

"Here you go," I said handing Isla her bikini which she thanked me for, before heading into the bathroom whilst Luke followed me outside.

"Since when did you have a pool?" Luke questioned me as I walked down the steps into the cool water, my cheeks blushing at the lustful gaze that he was giving me right now.

"Since the house was built, duh."

"You are so annoying," Luke said following me into the pool, grabbing my waist and spinning me around so that our torsos were almost touching, my breathing becoming more rapid and intense.

"Oh, is that so?" I questioned, taking a step back from him just in case somebody came outside and saw us like this.

"Yeah," Luke breathed with a smile. "But it's so worth it," he said which made me blush and before anything else could be said, Ashton was running into the pool, soaking us all with the chlorine filled water.

The rest of the night was filled with a lot of Mexican food and a ridiculous amount of swimming, only ending when it was 11:30 pm and Michael, Calum and Isla all had to be home before 12 am was that was the driving curfew for people on their Provisional Level One licence. Ashton ended up going to bed after Isla, Calum and Michael left, leaving Luke and me alone outside by the pool.

"Don't you need to go home?" I asked Luke and he shook his head as we lay on our towels next to each other, being as quiet as possible as everybody in my house was asleep.

"No," he said simply and I nodded as I sat up and so did he.

"I meant what I said before," Luke said with a smile and I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to remember what he said.


"About you being worth it," he said making me blush. "You are so worth it Sienna."


cute love that for them :)))


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thank you for reading xox

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