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Friday, April the 12th 2019

"May I remind you, although formal is tomorrow, you have an essay due on Monday!" my history teacher exclaimed, Henry and I groaning at his words.

"May WE remind you that we all have to get our tan, makeup, hair and nails done, plus we also have the actual formal AND the after party," one girl Lissy said and the whole class laughed at her words.

"Watch your tongue Lissy, otherwise you'll find yourself in detention on a Friday afternoon," Mr Kidd said and Lissy just rolled her eyes at him but chose to shut up, as she knew that she could not afford detention today.

"Do you have Netball after this?" Henry asked as we began packing up our things after the bell rang.

"Yeah, we moved our game from Saturday afternoon to tonight," I said with a smile and Henry nodded as we walked out of the classroom together and towards our lockers.

I was getting my nails and my fake tan done after the game, Milly and Isabel coming with me to get theirs done too. My dress was hanging in my wardrobe, and I was itching to put it on but I had to wait till tomorrow, otherwise, my tan would stain the dress.

"Are you nervous?" Henry asked as we walked out of school together.

"For what?" I laughed.

"For formal?" Henry asked as he lent against the brick walls surrounding our school, waiting for his older brother Adam to emerge to take him home.

"I'm a little bit nervous about the formal before party, but apart from that I am quite excited for the actual event."

Nothing excited me more than being able to spend the evening with Luke, being able to get numerous photos and have the time of our lives at the after party. I knew that Eliza was going to be snarky about it, but a part of me did not care anymore as long as I got to spend the night with Luke.

"Alright my brother is over there, I will see you tomorrow Si," Henry said with a smile, giving me a lazy hug, which I returned, before walking over to his brother, leaving me to wait for Ashton, Isla and Luke.

"Irwin," Luke said appearing out of nowhere. He had gotten a hair cut for the occasion tomorrow, his hair now considerably shorter than what it used to be. I loved it though, it made him look extremely handsome, and he knew it.

"Hemmings," I said with a smile. He took the bag that had my netball uniform in it from me, as we began to walk to his car.

"Where are Ash and Isla?" I asked as we neared his car, slightly confused as to where my brother and his girlfriend were since we were supposed to be going to the courts with them.

"They had a double free period in the last two lessons, Isla said they will meet us there," Luke said and I nodded as we got into his car, Luke driving off straight away whilst I made sure to strap my knees and ankles, praying that my strapping would hold them in place, as I do not want to attend formal in crutches.

My mind drifted away from the thought of formal because as we drove, I started to really listen to Luke's singing voice. Not in the sense 'wow he has a nice voice,' but really listen to it. The way he hits every single note without care, the way his voice is so soft, yet so powerful at the same time.

"Fuck Luke," I said after a moment of listening to him sing.

"What? What's wrong Sienna?" Luke asked, sounding extremely worried.

"You really can sing."

6:30 pm

We ended up winning the game by a goal, scored by Isla in the dying seconds.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Luke asked as I walked out of the change room in a pair of tracksuit pants and an old netball jumper from back home in Adelaide.

"I need to get my nails done first."

"I will take you there then," he said and I nodded, as I knew that Luke was not going to take no for an answer. I ended up settling on pastel pink nails, as my dress was white and I knew that it would match. Isabel went with white to match her pink dress and Milly went with neon black, to match her black dress.

"Do you want me to take you, girls, to get your tan too?" Luke asked and luckily I had showered in the bathrooms at netball, otherwise, my tan would be more liquid than I would like it to be.

"That would be great," Isabel said with a smile.

"Thank you," Milly and I said in unison as we walked out to his car, my phone buzzing with a text message.

From: Milly Potter

you have yourself a keeper :)

I smiled at her text message as we got in the car, as she shot me a wink as I turned around to smile at her as Luke drove to the tan salon, which was not too far from our street. I ended up going with a medium to dark coat, the same as Milly and Isabel.

"Holy shit," Luke laughed as I walked out of the booth, my face and hands the only part of my body exposed, yet they showed how dark I was.

"What?" I laughed as I walked to the counter to pay, thanking the lady who tanned me as I tapped my card.

"You are so dark," Luke said before we said goodbye to Issy and Milly, who were getting picked up by Milly's mum.

"Hey! My dress is white, I have to be dark!" I protested as we walked over to his car, Luke holding my hand loosely. We still had not defined whatever we are, but at the moment, I am happy just doing what we do.

"You are going to look stunning no matter what you look like," Luke said as I leant up against his car, the wind blowing through my ponytail softly. I smiled at him before he kissed me, for what seemed like the millionth time, but I did not mind. I don't think I will ever get used to the feeling that Luke gives me when we kiss, and I don't want to. Everytime we kiss, it is just like the first time we kissed, but only better.

"C'mon, I should probably get you home," Luke said with a smile and I pouted at him.

"I want to keep kissing you though," I wined slightly and Luke laughed at me as he opened the passenger door for me.

"Don't worry gorgeous, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you tomorrow," he said, making me blush as he closed my door and walked over to his side to take us home.

"So, what time are you going to pick me up?" I asked as we drove home, my heart fluttering thinking about the kiss that Luke and I just shared.

"Probably like four-thirty, we can get some pictures before, if you would like."

"Geez Luke, I am going to formal with the boy I like and I am not going to get any pictures with him," I said sarcastically, and Luke just rolled his eyes at me.

"Good, because I cannot wait to show you off."


bit of foreshadowing happening in this chapter lol

I am so happy for Michael and Crystal tho !!! heck yeah so keen for a wedding

twitter: @ lukeomfgggg

thanks for reading xx

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