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Saturday the 29th of June 2019

"Why is he here?" I asked Ashton as he walked in with Max behind him, Luke stumbling slightly as he walked in with the rest of the boys.

"I asked Jack if he could come and he said yes," Ashton said and I groaned before I went over to help Luke, ignoring Max's gaze upon me.

"Hey gorgeous, how much have you had to drink?" I asked as Luke flopped down on the couch in the living room.

"Way tooo much," Luke slurred and I giggled slightly as I got up to get him so water and something to eat.

"Here drink this," I said handing him a glass of water and holding a plate of food for him.

"Thanks Si," he said before drinking the water in a flash and stuffing his face with the food on the plate I was holding for him.

"Anytime," I said as we sat on the couch together waiting for Luke to sober up slightly. "No more alcohol for you tonight."

"You know what?" Luke questioned, changing the subject completely.

"What?" I asked.

"Max said something funny to me at Michael's house tonight."

"What did he say?" I asked quickly.

"That you two used to date!" Luke drunkenly exclaimed, his hands flying everywhere.

"Fuck sake he is lying," I said and luckily for me, Calum walked into the living room at that exact moment. "Calum, can you please watch him for a moment?"

"Sure thing Si, is he okay?" Calum asked, clearly quite concerned for his best friend.

"Ya boy had a little bit too much to drink," Luke laughed from the couch and normally in any other situation I would have laughed but considering the situation that I was about to walk into, I didn't.

"God you are an idiot," Calum laughed as he sat down next to Luke, who was still shoving his face with chips with a stupid grin on his face.

"Thanks, Cal, you are a lifesaver," I quickly said before running outside to find Max, who was talking to Ashton.

"Hey sweetheart," Max said with a smile which made my stomach turn. Every time he looks at me my stomach turns.

"Can we talk please?"

"Since you asked so nicely, sure Sienna."

I walked down to the tennis court in Jack's backyard which was currently empty, Max following closely behind me.

"Why did you tell Luke that we used to date?" I blurted out straight away, not wanting this conversation to drag on any longer. Max let out a high pitched laugh which made me shiver slightly.

"Because Sienna, as I have insinuated, if you don't tell your friends and your little boyfriend what happened between us, I will."


"We basically did," Max said shrugging his shoulders when I noticed Shawn walking down the steps behind us.

Dazed & Confused: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now