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Thursday the 6th of June 2019

"So, he told you that he loves you?" Milly asked and I nodded, an uncontrollable grin on my face. "Then what happened?"

We were sitting outside on the oval during our English double lesson, supposedly working on our video for our next assignment, but so far not a whole lot had been achieved.

"Well then he basically rambled on for a minute about why he loves me, and then I said it back," I giggled and Milly squealed as she practically threw her phone at me.

"THEN WHAT?" she screamed at me, and I just laughed as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well then we had a quick kiss and then came back inside," I said throwing her phone back to her. "He said that he has something special planned for tonight."

"Oh my god you two are so cute," Milly sighed as she lay down on the oval, probably staining her white shirt since it was June and we had transitioned from our light blue and white dresses into a white shirt and dark blue skirt.

"Do you reckon we should start on the filming?" I asked with a laugh and Milly nodded. We were filming a video about the movie we watched in class, 'The Help' and it was due in two weeks, Milly and I had barely started.

"Ah yes," Milly laughed and we began filming for the rest of the lesson, which took us to the end of the day. Ashton was raking us home today since Luke decided to leave school in his last free period to do whatever it was he wanted to do.

"Ready to go?" Ashton asked as he stood by my locker, as I shoved my blazer into my bag as it was not cold enough for me to wear it anyway.

"Yeah," I said chucking my school bag over my shoulder as we walked out of school and straight to Ashton's car. 

"Are you coming to football this weekend?" Ashton asked as he drove through the back streets, our usual after school Spotify playlist quietly playing in the background.

"Of course I am," I said with a smile and he nodded, as I would never pass up an opportunity to support my brother, boyfriend and some of my closest friends. 

For the rest of the car ride home, Ashton rambled on about plans for his eighteenth, which was happening at the beginning of July, whilst I bullied him about him needing to get a haircut.

"Isla likes my hair!" Ashton said defensively.

"Can you even see whilst you are driving?" I laughed and Ashton just rolled his eyes, before pushing his hair out of his face for what seemed like the millionth time since we got in the car.

"Well not really," he laughed and I giggled as he just gave me the finger as we pulled into the driveway, Ashton claiming that he will book himself a haircut as soon as he has time.

"Good," I laughed as we walked inside the supposedly empty house, as Jordan was at kindergarten and our parents were at work.

"I am going to go on a run, I will see you later," Ashton said, chucking his bag down and leaving the house straight away since he was already in his physical education uniform.

"Bye!" I yelled as he ran out of the door, and I headed upstairs, where I heard something, or someone shuffling around my room.

"What the hell," I mumbled, slightly scared as to what I would be walking into. The logical reasoning would be that Lulu or Mimi were in my room, but Lulu spends half her day outside, and Mimi would not make that much noise.

"Oh shit hey," Luke said, a sheepish grin on his face when he saw me. "You are early." 

I began to look around my room, which was filled with pink and white balloons, with a giant silver balloon in the shape of a number two, my heart suddenly swelling with love and affection to the tall, blonde boy standing in my room.

"Before you say anything, I know that our one month anniversary isn't for another week and a bit, but I thought this would make up for me blurting out that I love you the other night."

"Oh Luke," I said, genuinely speechless that he went to all this effort. "You didn't have to do anything, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know but I wanted to. I don't want you to think the only reason I said I love you was because Shawn had his arm around your waist. I do love you Sienna, I love you so so much. I know it hasn't even been that long, but I guess I just wanted you to know, because you deserved to feel loved and special, and I hope that you do, and I know that I am rambling and that is because I am nervous and I don't know WHY I am nervous because I know you love me too and yeah," Luke said breathlessly, his cheeks now red as I just giggled at how adorable he was acting.

"Wow, I didn't know that the Luke Hemmings could get nervous," I giggled as I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his perfectly built torso, resting my head on his chest. "I love you, Hemmings," I said softly before he tilted my head up towards him, and I was mesmerised by his blue eyes like always, and he kissed me slowly but surely.

Kissing Luke is probably my favourite thing to do, and that will never change. The way he puts his hands in all the right places, always leaving me wanting more no matter how much I get. 

"God you are so perfect," Luke said after a content moment of silence.

"Shhh," I giggled, as we now lay on my bed, hand in hand as I rested my head on his chest, every single worry that I have had completely gone.

"True though," he said and I looked up at him, a huge grin on his face. "You are the most perfect human I have ever seen."

"Oh please, that is definitely a slight exaggeration," I said with a laugh and Look shook his head as he kissed the top of my head.

"Nah uh, I am sure plenty of boys that would agree with me," Luke said with a smirk, small dimples appearing on his smooth cheeks.

"Oh yeah, like who?" I questioned, accidentally fishing for validation when I should really just believe my boyfriend when says that I am perfect because I think that he is perfect, so our feelings are really the same.

"Shawn, Henry, a few of the footy boys have commented on how gorgeous you are," Luke said and I felt my cheeks go red with embarrassment, knowing that Luke has to put up with that. "Louis said you were hot the first time he saw you."

"Oh my god, I remember that," I laughed, thinking about back to the first time I met Luke and hearing Louis call me hot as I walked up the stairs, shaking my head in disbelief that Louis is the same boy who is absolutely head over heels for Eleanor. "That was so awkward."

"Yes, it was," Luke said with a laugh. "The main thing though, is that I love you and I think you are drop dead perfect, and that will never ever change."


good afternoon how are we all

bit of a cute chapter we love soft Luke

also does anyone have any good book recommendations, I am looking for some to read lol

thank you for reading xxx

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