Chapter 8: Climbing the Trail

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~Normal POV

"Children, wake up, we're here."

The snow-capped Mortmain Mountains were a gorgeous sight that rose high above the flatness of the Hinterlands. The Baudelaires remembered their parents saying they would take them here someday, likely to visit the V.F.D. Headquarters and induct them into their secret organization. Duncan and Isadora commented on the fact that their parents might have done the same at some point. Kit opened the trunk of her taxi.

"I only have two backpacks, but there should be plenty of supplies for all of you to reach your destination safely," The woman explained, "I also have a few extra coats from my Various Fakery Disguises kit to keep you warm. I'd recommend just discarding them once you reach the water. I can always buy more."

Violet noticed that the coats were all a couple sizes too large for each of them. She proceeded to take one apart and make a sling to carry Sunny on her back, so she wouldn't have to walk, and keep her warm.

"Good thinking, Violet, always resourceful just like your mother," Kit complimented, "I hadn't had time to find a coat small enough for Sunny. Oh, by the way, here. I always carry extra spyglasses and I figured you would benefit from a brand new one."

She handed Klaus and Isadora each a shiny new spyglass, and took their fused old one throwing it in her trunk.

"What are those fencing masks for," Duncan asked, as he put on the backpack Kit handed him.

She held out a mask for each of them, all putting them on instantly, Sunny's was a little big for her, "These will protect your identities. Tourists frequent this area for hiking and we don't want you attracting attention to yourselves. Besides they'll also keep you safe from the snow gnats."

"Snow gnats," Isadora asked, putting on her backpack, "Aren't gnats harmless?"

"Usually yes, but I remember reading a book about the Mortmain Mountain snow gnats. They fly around in swarms and love to sting people for no reason whatsoever," Klaus explained.

"If you do run into people they will probably assume you're Snow Scouts with those masks on. Snow Scouts come here once a year to do some special tradition that involves climbing Mount Fraught; I was never a scout so I don't know anything about it myself. It's the perfect way to hide yourselves; since they use the same masks."

Kit started to get back into her car, but Violet grabbed her arm, "Kit, before you go we just wanted to say thank you for helping us so much. But we have to ask, we found the Snicket File in the hospital and on it... Jacques said there might be a survivor of one of our house fires. Do you know anything about that?"

Kit frowned at her, "I'm sorry my friends, but I don't know anything. Jacques and I were working closely with our brother on this case, but he never mentioned anything about a survivor to me the last time I saw him. I'm truly sorry... but if someone did survive they are most likely hiding at the headquarters. That's all I'm able to say."

"That's all we need then," Klaus said, "We'll ask around when we get there."

"And I will be sure to do more for you once we meet again. Make sure you arrive on time. Volunteers... value punctuality. Now if you'll excuse me," Kit held up a small blue and white sugar bowl, "I have a mission to attend to. I looked down at Caligari Carnival as you were waking up, Olaf met Madame Lulu in the early hours of the morning, and she'll stall him for as long as she can. Good luck on your mission, volunteers."

She saluted them before getting into her car and drove back down the mountain trail, leaving the five children on the path. They all smiled at each other behind their protective masks. Kit might not have been able to answer the one question that was burning in their minds, but she at least gave them a direction to search for an answer. To them, that was more than enough. Violet secured Sunny on her back with Klaus' help, not even caring that the toddler was getting a bit heavy to be carried like this. Duncan grabbed her hand as they started walking up the path on ahead with Klaus and Isadora following them. They agreed they would look through their supplies later once they had found a spot to rest. Violet pulled out their map as she and Duncan led the way.

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