Chapter 17: The Safe House

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Note: takes place at the same time as the last chapter. This chapter might be super chill just so you know.


~Normal POV

The safe house ended up being a cozy cottage secluded in the forest, fully stocked with everything they needed to live for at least the next few days. The best part was simply having the chance to live in a comfortable house for the first time in a long while. Kit's only instructions from this point on were to stay inside and don't let anyone in no matter what. The windows were covered with room-darkening curtains to keep people from looking inside, and the front and back doors were set up with a complex locking system that Jacqueline had installed to keep out intruders. Despite essentially being in house arrest with the security measures, the six children felt very at home as long as they were together. The situation likely reminded them of their plans to own a mansion together as adults; a plan they had informed Quigley of. And they were all thankful of the chance to bathe, and sleep in a proper bed for a change.

The cottage had four bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Violet and Isadora shared a room, and gave Sunny her own room; while Klaus and Duncan shared a room, letting Quigley have his own.

There was a telegraph machine in the living room just in case there was an emergency of some kind. Kit had explained that a number of volunteers lived nearby and would rush to their aid if something happened. She had also said it would be too dangerous to notify the children on the things happening at the hotel, for fear of their enemies learning of their location. This was a fear the children understood all too well. The other volunteers were already taking a big enough risk by trusting Fernald's deception of Olaf, one that they hoped would not be in vain, and trying to hide anything else might be too much to handle.

So for the rest of the day after arriving, the children set about peacefully finding things to occupy their time. Klaus and Isadora spent some time teaching Sunny to read using some books they had found. Duncan and Violet spent more "quality alone time" together in the living room while keeping an eye on the door just in case someone might show up. Quigley stayed up in his room most of the day; the others weren't really sure what he had been up to. As lunch time rolled around, Sunny showed off her cooking skills once more for the others and they all sat in the living room to enjoy their meal. As the others talked happily, they noticed that Quigley had barely touched his food and was rather uninterested in their conversation.

"Quigley," Isadora said, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine Izzie."

"You don't look fine to us," Klaus noted.

"Fiona," Sunny said quizzically, which obviously seemed to ask, "Are you worried about Fiona?"

Quigley didn't respond as he ate. Everyone shared worried looks.

"You know Kit hasn't failed us yet. I'm sure that Fiona is fine," Duncan said.

Quigley sighed, "I just... wish I could be there to know for sure. I mean she was expecting to see us there too."

"Kit most likely told her what happened otherwise how else would she find out about the plan," Klaus replied.

Duncan and Isadora found themselves smiling knowingly at each other over their brother's behavior.

"You must really like her to be this worried," Isadora said.

"Yeah I haven't seen you this torn up over a girl since you broke up with Marissa," Duncan said.

"Hey Marissa dumped me, ok? It's not my fault that she realized she... preferred other things."

Violet and Klaus snickered realizing what he had meant. Quigley glared at them for a moment.

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