Chapter 18: Tying Up Loose Ends

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~Kit's POV

It's Thursday now, meaning tomorrow is the meeting that will finally end all of this. Fernald informed us that Olaf will of course attend the meeting at the correct time. I'm not sure what he intends to find at this get together, but I know what he will receive. Dewey, Frank, and I have it all planned out. Fernald has proven his loyalty thus far, and Fiona's safe arrival appears to have boosted his confidence. His information gathering has increased since yesterday. With Dewey's spying and Fernald's inside voice we know every step Olaf is taking from here on out. I felt horrible having to tell that girl that her friends couldn't be here with her, but she'll see them soon enough.

"My dear, I must ask you something," Dewey spoke from his spot beside me in our bed; it was morning and we hadn't gotten up yet.

I smiled at him, "Yes, darling what is it?"

He faltered for a moment and put his hand on my stomach, "Have you thought at all about a name yet? We've been so busy these past months that we haven't picked a name for our little one."

I looked down at my stomach thoughtfully, "I think I'd like to name her after an old friend."

He regarded me carefully for a few moments before realizing what I was suggesting.

He smiled that wonderfully charming smile of his, "I think that sounds wonderful, but you might have to ask permission first."

"I was intending to do so after this mission," I said as I got out from under the covers, "I want you to come there with me. You'll like those children. They're just as smart and resourceful as their parents."

Dewey grinned as he got out of bed, "I would be happy to, but for now we have work to get back to."

As we got dressed, Dewey took out yet another secret message he had received from Fernald. His brow furrowed in concentration as he read it.

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Fernald says that Esmé Squalor must be dealt with before tomorrow. She and Olaf have apparently broken up meaning she is now a liability that we can't afford to keep around. He says she moved to room 667, and her status as the city's 6th most important financial adviser has made the Daily Punctilio rather interested in her stay here."

I sighed, "Reporters will be swarming the place."

"Precisely, and we must ensure that Mrs. Squalor does not attend the meeting. Should I ask Jacqueline? I have to get back to spying."

"I'll inform her. Are there any instructions on how we could deal with this?"

"No, I assume he means that anything is fair game. Esmé has been a rather large thorn in our side for ages. She still believes that the sugar bowl was hers."

"Never mind about the sugar bowl, darling," I patted his arm, "I hid it where no one will ever find it."

He smiled, "I never said I doubted you. I have to go now, my dear."

He kissed me deeply before leaving the room. I picked up the phone and called Jacqueline to give her our new assignment.

~Jacqueline's POV

Larry and I were given a doubly important task today: dispose of Esmé Squalor by any means necessary. I couldn't help feeling a small amount of satisfaction at being honored with this mission. I had to watch as Esmé shoved Olivia into that lion pit... Bringing that fiend to justice would be marvelous. I had been told that Esmé had been hanging around the pool since her arrival. Larry and I hurried down there as quickly as we could.

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