Chapter 22: Epilogue

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Violet and Duncan announced their engagement at the age of 20.

Justice Strauss would perform the ceremony; which she was more than happy to do for the dear Baudelaires and their amazing friends that she had been introduced to. Dewey, Kit, little Beatrice, and Jerome Squalor were invited to the wedding of course. Fiona convinced her stepfather to attend as well. He apparently wasn't too thrilled about her living on land now, but he didn't want to stop her from being happy. And the rest of the guests were friends from the Baudelaires' and the Quagmires' current work places. Even Jacqueline and Larry attended, in support of the long awaited union of the two families. According to Jacqueline, their parents had hoped their children would marry someday.

The Poe family, however, had been declined invitations for reasons that didn't need to be explained. When Violet had turned 18, she and Mr. Poe finalized the paperwork to sign the fortune over to her, and then ceased all contact with him after that point. They had their money, they had graduated from Whitmore Academy, and they no longer required his services. Mr. Poe did gave the Baudelaires an apology for all the things that had happened; they did not forgive him, but the apology helped them move on. The Quagmire triplets had also gotten their precious sapphires signed over to them from their family's banker, and ceased contact with them as well. Klaus had been moved up in the class, due to his impressive grades, leading him to be able to graduate with Violet and the Quagmires, despite being 16 at the time. Sunny was now old enough to start attending the school officially as well.

They had purchased a large estate just outside the city where they had three houses built. One house was for Duncan and Violet, since they were getting married. The second was for Klaus and Isadora, who wanted to start living alone together. And the third house was for Quigley and Fiona, who had already been living together in an apartment after her graduation; since she was a year older than Violet she had been the first to graduate. The Baudelaires had even kept their promise to the Quagmires and opened their printing business together. Duncan had practically cried when Violet showed him that printing press she built for him. While their original plan had been to buy a full-sized mansion together, they all agreed that with them wanting to settle down with their significant others it was best to live in separate homes. Even if those homes were still situated on the same plot of land.

Duncan chose Klaus as his best man; to which he happily accepted. Isadora was the maid of honor, and Fiona was a bridesmaid. However, Quigley was going to walk Isadora down the aisle. When asking why, Klaus couldn't hold back tears when Violet said she wanted her brother to give her away at the ceremony, due to their father being tragically absent. And with Sunny, now 6 years old, as a flower girl it would be the whole Baudelaire family walking with the beautiful inventor. Duncan had nearly fainted and cried when he saw the woman he loved walking down the aisle in that stunning white dress.

On that wonderful day, everyone cheered as Violet married Duncan Ryan Quagmire, and became Mrs. Violet Roselyn Quagmire.

After Klaus' best man speech, Kit gave a heartfelt speech about how proud their parents would have been on this special occasion. Everyone couldn't help crying when her speech was finished. Violet and Duncan then gave her a public thank you from all of them for helping them get this far. While a majority of the party guests weren't privy to the history the couple had with the woman, due to not being volunteers, they could tell she was someone very important. And on a sadder note, Violet and Duncan gave a small mention in memory of the brave, noble, librarian Olivia Caliban; they did not tell the public how she died, but they did talk about how they also wouldn't have gotten this far without her.

The happy couple shared their first dance to the song "Can't Smile without You;" it was the song they had danced to the night Duncan proposed, and they considered it their perfect song. Violet danced with Klaus in the place of their father, then shared a dance with Sunny. Duncan danced with both of his siblings to a more upbeat song. Everyone laughed and clapped along as the reunited triplets made fools of themselves on the dance floor. Violet and Isadora even danced together to celebrate becoming sisters-in-law.

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