Heart is always right..😍

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Thanks for the love you are showering on this story...love you all...
Here you go.


Dairy of the next day:

Someone said it right, even though the heart is at your left, it is always right. Always means ALWAYS!

Now don’t look at me shocked, but I know you are shocked because yesterday I was cursing my heart and today I am praising it. Funny right, yes, I know it is, but what to do, it was the first time my heart acted impulsively. It was sad seeing Laksh and reacted, and me, I was so scared.

But now I am feeling guilty for cursing it, I should have believed my heart. Because sometimes, when the thing in which we are in is unknown to us, we should give it a try. Otherwise, how will we realise what is right or wrong?
Like Einstein said, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

Till yesterday, I was thinking which is more accurate and was trying to figure out things all by my own, but when it isn’t related to me alone, how can I alone think and decide, and then my heart tried out it practically. Now I have the result and I got the conclusion.

Laksh rolled his eyes, “what is she saying??”

Ok, I am not creating more confusion, let me tell you everything directly.
Yesterday from the time Laksh left, I was upset thinking of my act. I was so scared that I didn’t sleep well, didn’t talk to anyone in the morning, didn't even had my food.

Laksh felt guilty.

But luckily was I almost normal in my class, well that is the world of my Chemistry, of course, I would be fine.
But by evening again the fear caught me. I came home, I knew that he is back; maybe he is happy but…

Anyway, I headed to my room, lost in thoughts when I felt like I dashed to something, for a second I felt suffocated, but there was peace in this suffocation. Peace in suffocation?? Only then I understood that it was Laksh hugging me tightly, that tight, he was suffocating me.

Laksh smiled at it.
Lak: Sorry for suffocating to you, but I was damn happy!

I could feel his happiness, it was really beyond words, and he appeared as the happiest man on the earth.
Then he lifted me and rotated me. I let him because he was expressing his happiness.

Laksh smiled widely. He remembers how happy he was, he had a great day, he played really well, and he knew it was because of her. After the match, all he wanted was to meet her and thank her, but he knows that she didn’t like him going to her college, that was why he was impatiently waiting for her at home.

Then, at last, he put me down, he said he played well, in fact, it was his best performance till date he said that the credit goes to me and told me that as a gift we would go on a date the next day. hurray, I am sooooooo happy.

Then he kept saying something and the other; I think he was telling me about his game. Who knows!

Lak: Huh? So you didn’t listen to me? I was talking to you about my game only, in detail, by taking the effort and you...

He looked at her in cute anger, and she was in deep sleep.

I didn’t pay any attention to his words, I was looking into his eyes, they showed REAL happiness. I have never seen him this happy before, never means never.
It was then I understood that his game is his everything, his solace. There is nothing in this world which can make him this happy.

He nodded in agreement.

And there is nothing in the world which can make me happy and peaceful other than this awesome smile of his. Seeing him this happy and content makes me happy and content. I felt like his happiness is at one side and the rest of the world at the other.
I could do anything, anything to keep that smile on his face till the end. Because his smile is my reason to live.

Laksh had Goosebumps on his body, he was realising the depth of her love and he was overwhelmed by it.

So now I got my answer, I know what I have to do.
But don’t think that I am being selfish.
I know the family will be upset by my decision; I would for sure increase their worry.

But I feel like their situation will be more pathetic if Laksh quits his game.
I have seen it in his eyes, he can’t survive without his game, it is his soul, his life, and without it, he would be a living dead body.

He would live longer, but just for the sake of living, and family won’t be able to take it. And if it happens they would be guilty too, which they won’t be here.

So comparing the pain, this one is less compared to the latter.
And for Laksh, he really needs support now, because he fighting alone against the rest of the world and he is losing. I can’t let it happen.
That is why I said, the heart always takes the right decision.

I am so happy today, glancing at the bed, my mind is literally dancing because Laksh is sleeping there peacefully and my heart feels filled.
So have a very good night.
See you.

Laksh was numb!

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