White Board

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It's been a couple of days since me and Ethan have been hanging out and it's amazing. He is my bestfriend and I've never been happier.

My parents were at work and me and Ethan were in my room. He was laying on my bed while I was crisscrossed on my fuzzy blue rug.

All the lights were off and curtains closed as rain poured outside of my window. My old blue record player was playing some old discs I found.

I asked Ethan to come over so he could listen to them with me. The disc spins as unknown music flows through my room. Calm and peaceful

Ethan moves off of the bed and sits down next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine. We both sit in peace and quiet

"Do you think I can be an artist. I mean honestly. I love drawing and I don't want to do anything else. I just don't think I'm good enough" I say to him sitting up and staring into his eyes

He rolls over towards his bag and pulls out something. He starts to write on it. After he's done he shows me and it's a white board.

'Just believe and you can fly Wendy'

I giggle at his goofiness

"Another Peter Pan reference" I say to him as we both sit on the fuzzy carpet. Him sitting with his back leaned against the foot of the bed

Soft music plays in the background as dimmed light seeps through my grey curtains. The room cold but not unbearable. It was refreshing.

He smirks at me before writing on his whiteboard

'Only the best for my lost boy'

I blush and look down. I tuck a strand of my brown hair behind my ear as I bit the inside of my cheek.

I feel Ethan stand up from beside me making me tilt my head towards him. I look up and see him standing with a smile on his face. Light glowing in his eyes as he holds his hand out for me to take.

I take it and pull myself up. His large hand engulfing mine and his other one holding my waist. He pulls me closer as our bodies sway along to the music. I lay my head on his chest and hum along to the tune. His heart beat filling my ears as my voice gets quieter and I snuggle my face into him. I close my eyes and feel Ethan kiss my forehead.

I look up at him and smile and he looks down at me with a dimpled smile and his green eyes bright with joy.

My arms wrap around his neck causing me to go on my tip toes. My bare feet were placed on his sneakers.

I go closer to his ear

"Thank you" I whisper

In response he just hugs me tighter.

We danced for what felt like hours until my mom came home and Ethan had to leave.

He was so kind and caring. He made me feel special and I know we're only friends but I've never had a friend before.

And it feels awesome.

Whenever I'm with him my heart fills up and I automatically become happy. His smile makes me smile and his laugh makes me laugh. The way he holds me like I'm a fragile feather and how he loves books. How he calls me Wendy and himself peter

He's my happy place

(A/n: Short chapter sorryyyy)

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