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Allison's POV

I walk into the bathroom and go into the stall. I do my business and walk out.

I roll up my navy blue sleeves and wash my cold hands under warm water. Soft soap buds cover my calloused pale skin as I gently rub my two hands together.

I look up in the mirror and see dark circles under my eyes. Lack of sleep due to a pounding in my head. As if hammers were beating down on my brain.

I turn to walk to the door until someone else walks in.


I lower my head and try to walk by her. I find myself holding my breath as my hands begin to shake.

She grabs me by my shoulders and slams me onto the counter. I feel something dripping down my head. A throbbing pain impacts my stomach as Ella begins to kick me. I start to cry and beg her to stop.

She laughs and ignores my pleads.

After a while she gets bored. Her and her friends walk out. I sit up against the stall and begin to cry.

Panic arrives me as I struggle to breath. I frantically wave my arms around as I look for my phone through my backpack.

I call Grayson's number.

"H-hey Gr-gray I um need hel-help. I'm in the g-girls ba-bathroom. Pl-please bring E-Ethan" I stutter as panic arises in my body. My heart beat loud enough for me to hear and my hands shake vigorously.

"What? What's wrong Allison" Grayson asks confused


I feel myself get light headed

Someone storms into the bathroom but I don't bother and look up. I feel someone's hands on me and I look up to be met with hazel-green eyes filed with concern. Strong arms wrap around me as Ethan holds me close and says shh.

He plants small kisses on my forehead and neck to calm me down.

I feel my heart beat slow down as he rubs small circles on my back. He holds my wrists and stares into my eyes. He glances down then back up. He furrows his eyebrows and looks back down.

I look down and see my sleeves are rolled up. My self harm scars show clearly.

'When. Why' Ethan questions, letting go to sign to me

"When I was 9. My parents fought a lot and my dad would take it out on me." I say looking down because of embarrassment.

I glance up and see Ethan's eyes filled with tears. Worry and hurt on his face.

It looked like I broke his heart.

"Continue" Grayson says from behind Ethan crossing his arms

"I um. I was in the hospital for a month because I had gotten so bad. My mom found me at 3 in the morning on the bathroom floor, about to drink a bottle of bleach" my voice cracks at the end.

"No one loved me" I whisper looking into Ethan's eyes as tears fall down.

"What about your dad?" Grayson asks sitting down next to me

"He would drink a lot. He would call me fat and stupid. A slut. Anything he could to hurt me. And he would change the next day. It's like he was another person when he drank" I say fiddling with my fingers.

Ethan now say in front of me cross crossed staring at me with sorrow eyes.

"I don't get why they all call you a slut. It makes no sense" Grayson asks me

I stay quiet for a second

"They aren't wrong" I whisper

"What" Grayson asks confused

"When I was 12 my family was friends with another family. They had a boy who was 15 at the time. He um. We were watching a movie and he started touching me. I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't. I pushed him off of me but it was useless. I was useless. He started telling everyone that how I was coming on to him. Eventually the news got around to my family. My dad beat the shit out of me that day. I knew better. I deserved the beating so I never counted it."

Ethan comes closer to me and just hugs me.

'You are not a slut' he pulls back and signs

Atleast he thought so

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