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Ethan's POV

I storm away

Was it true.

Did she really sleep with him. I saw the video.

She came out of the closet right after him. Maybe she lied about everything. About the guy last year. About her parents. About her sister.

About loving me

I walk to the locker room knowing I had gym next. I take off my shirt to change into my workout clothes. I look in the mirror and see myself. I looked like shit.

All because of her

I start to place my bag in my locker along with everything else until Grayson walks through the doors.

"Ethan are you good bro?" He asks me cautiously

I don't say anything or change my poker face

"E." He says again stepping closer

'Do you think she ever loved me' I ask him with tears in my eyes.

He stays quiet and looks at the ground.

"Yeah bro! She was crying and shit too. He fucked her so hard she passed out" We hear some people talking in the handicap stall. I open the stall and see a video playing on the phone. I take the phone and look at the video

"WHAT THE FUCK-" the guy starts but Grayson cuts him off

"Do you really want to finish that sentence" he says intimidatingly

The guy shuts up.

I watch the clip. It's dark at first until the flash goes on. I see Ally on the screen. She was crying and begging him to stop. He started choking her. She struggled against him until her body went limp.

He undressed her and started to undress himself. She was unaware

She was raped

Grayson looks at me. Then back at the guys


I grab him by the shoulder and pull him out of the change room.

I start to walk to the entrance to go find Allison knowing she went home.

Until I see him

Kyle and Ella cuddle on top of his blue keep. People surround them as always. I start to walk over until I notice I'm jogging.

I grab him by the collar and punch him hard in the jaw. He doesn't have any time to react since I hit him again.

He fall to the ground but I don't stop as rage over takes my vision. My mind angry and my heart empty. He hurt her.

I start to beat him until he is no longer recognizable. Blood gushes from his cheek. I look up and see Ella screaming with tears running down her face.

'Ask her where she is' I sign to Grayson. I was praying she was still here.

Luck just wasn't with me today

"S-she left. Everyone started chanting so she left." Ella answers after Grayson asks

"What was everyone chanting" Grayson asks her towering over her

"They-we started saying Die whore. So she ran out the front doors" Anger fills me as I get up

She's not a whore

I run and get into my truck. I don't wait for Grayson knowing this situation could be way worse then I wanted it to be.

Third Persons POV

Ethans starts the car as tears fall down his red face. He drives over the speed limit, running red lights to get to the girl he loves

He finally makes it too her house and he runs to the front door.

He tries to open the door but it is locked. He turns on his iPhone and repeatedly calls the contact named "Wendy🥀" but no one picks up.

He starts to panic more as he slams his body against the door trying to get it open. Charging at the door with all his might, it still won't budge

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" A deep voice says from behind him.

The scared boy turns around frantically to see a Police officer. He sighs and makes his way over to the officer quickly. He grabs him by the arm and starts dragging the officer to the door.

The officer grabs Ethan by his arm and twist it behind his back. Ethan tries to give signals but he can't speak.

The cop laughs and asks Ethan if he's a clown trying to do sign language.

Ethan struggles against his grasp and punches the cop. The cop is taken by surprise but recovers quick when he punches Ethan in the stomach. Ethan falls.

The cop begins to kick him when he's down and punch him.

After a little bit the cop leaves Ethan there and drives away not wanting to get into any trouble.

Ethan lays on the cold pavement. Blood dripping down his forehead. In the distance he sees the blurry barrier keeping him from getting the girl

He stands up. His legs shaking as he struggles to breath. Grabbing a large grey rock, the bruised boy throws it at the window. Glass shatters as he jumps in, not worried about cuts.

He quickly runs up the stairs and opens Allison's room.

Her pale, fragile body was wrapped in a blue sweater that wasn't blue anymore. The sleeves red and the collar wet with tears. An empty bottle of vodka next to her along with a hollow pack of cigarettes. The fault sound of the record player along with the crowing of the birds.

It was peaceful.

But he was too late

The Lost boy was incapable of saving her

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