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"I don't know E. It's a school night plus I don't feel to up to it" I say to Ethan as he begged me

His hands folded together as he gave me puppy dog eyes. His smile convincing and his eyebrows cocky

He wrote something on his whiteboard then smiled at me

'Let me take you please" he begs me with his hands folded

I laughed at his goofiness and give in.

After school the other day Ethan took me home and we fell asleep. My mom said when he brought me home, he wouldn't talk. I told her about how Ethan has a speaking disability. I didn't tell her about the bullies, lying and saying I felt sick.

I didn't want it to stress her out more.

Today Ethan wanted to show me something. I don't know what but I agreed. He seemed excited to go.

It was a date

My first date

After school I go home and get ready for my date with Ethan. I hum to myself as I iron my outfit and listen to my favourite record. After ironing I pull on the t-shirt styled white dress. I leave my wavy hair as it is. I put on some lip gloss and curl my already long eyelashes.

I smile at myself in the mirror.

I stop looking knowing I'm going to start to think negative thoughts. I push the thoughts out of my head and force my smile back onto my face.

I place on some tan sandals and head down the stairs. I text Ethan and ask him where he is.

Me: Hey, where r u?

GlueBoy😇: Italy, its the Renaissance. Wbu?

I giggle at his dumb text

Me: At home waiting for you but I guess your too busy for me so😔

He doesn't text anything else. Someone knocks on the door and I get up confused. I open the door and see Ethan standing there with a cheesy smile. He has his white board in one hand and roses in the other. I read what's written on the whiteboard

'I was in my car for the past hour hesitating'

I laugh and take the roses. He cocks his eyebrows asking for my approval

"I love them" I say to him as I smell the bouquet. I go into my kitchen and place them in a vase. He walks in and I can feel him staring at me. I smile and turn around to face him.

He writes something on his whiteboard

'You look gorgeous Ali"

I smile

"Not to bad yourself Leonardo" I smile
At him

'The ninja turtle?' He asks

"Did you even pay attention in history class" I say to him

'Yea I get it but I prefer the ninja turtle' he says after rolling his eyes

He smirks at me. He's wearing a white t shirt with blue jeans and his hair is done up like usual.

"shall we go?" I say to him

He smiles and places his hand out for me to take.

I take his hand and we walk out the front door. I breath in the fresh, night air as we walk towards his car.

He opens the passenger door for me and once i get in he shuts it.

"What a gentlemen" i say to him once he gets in on his side of the car. He turns on the radio and plays Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

(A/n: highly recommended you listen to it)

I quietly sing to myself as we drive in the dark night. Street lights guiding our way as comfort floods the car. I stare out of the window as I look at a blur of houses and buildings.

Third Persons POV

Ethan glances over to the girl he loves. He hasn't admitted it yet but he did love her. She swayed her head along to the music making Ethan smile. The streetlights illuminating her tan face and making her green eyes glow. Her smile filled with light and happiness. Eyebrows furrowed as she mumbles the words to the song with her beautiful voice. His hazel eyes scan her facial features in quick glances.

He loved her

He just didn't know it yet.

Allison's POV

We arrive at a soccer field. I look around and it was empty.

"Your not gonna kill me right?" I ask Ethan as he gently pulls me by my hand towards the middle of the field.

He laugh and shakes his head no. His laugh was deep so that's what I assumed his voice would be like.

We get to the middle and he sits down crisscrossed. He looks up at me and smiles. I sit down next to him and look where he's looking. I notice he's staring up at the stars. The clouds grey as a white moon shines from behind them. Stadium lights shine down on the field brightening the green grass. I breath in the fresh air and close my eyes.

I feel a drip on my nose and then my forehead. I open my eyes and see Ethan looking at me confused too. Seconds later rain starts to pour from the sky, violently. I open my mouth in shock and stand up as Ethan does also. I'm about to run away but Ethan holds my hand. I look up to see him smiling down at me. My white dress was soaked and so was his t shirt. My hair limp and my face soaked.

"Ethan let's go!" I yell over the loud patters of the rain.

He nods his head no while still smiling. He looks up at the sky then back down at me. This boy was insane

He holds both on my hands and looks into my eyes. His hazel ones meeting mine. His holding a sense of laughter and fun. He smiles even wider showing off his perfect white teeth.

Ethan's POV

She looks up at me with confusion in her perfect green eyes. Her lips pink and curved into a smile. She licks her lip taking some water droplets with her. I bring my hand up to cup her rosy cheek. I wipe away some water droplets from her face with my other hand. Both hands hold her face and her hand wrap around my wrists. I lean in and our foreheads touch. I breath heavy for a second

Then I kiss her

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