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(A/n: italics is past. " " is talking and '' is sign language and bold is phone call and both is a phone call in the past)

Ethan's POV

"Come on Cam you cant be a pussy" I say to Cameron as me and Grayson help her ride the skateboard.

"Yeah Come on Cam you can do it" Grayson says from beside me as we watch our older sister hesitate to get on the wooden contraption.

"I'll give you a piggy back ride after" Grayson says too her.

"Fuck you know I like piggy back rides." She mumbles defeated.

Grayson laughs and helps her up. She starts to ride around the skatepark

"Don't fall Cameron" I yell as she starts go faster.

"So Ethan how's that bitch you call a girlfriend?" Cameron asks me as we walk around our small town.

"Cameron" Grayson says to her cautiously

"What? She got all bitchy when I asked Ethan how his flight was." She says too Grayson. I roll my eyes. She wasn't supposed to tell Grayson or else he wouldn't shut up.

"Wait what?" Gray asks

"Nothing" I say to him

"YOU DIDN'T SHOW HIM?!" Cameron says

"YOU DIDN'T SHOW HIM?!" Cameron says

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Grayson starts laugh ballistically.

"You ended her Cam" he says in between breaths

"Okay can we stop talking about my love life and talk about something else" I say annoyed at my dumb siblings

"Fine but I'm not forgetting this" Grayson says finally calming down

"Cam hows university" Grayson says licking some of his icecream

"Oh and how's that boyfriend" I say wiggling my eyebrows at her

"Um he's good" she says looking down. She was obviously nervous about something.

I look at Grayson and he holds the same expression as me.


"What's up Cameron" Grayson asks her.

"Nothing I'm fine. Its all good. I'm getting an A in English and another year and I'm gonna be able to be a teacher" she says changing the subject

Me and Grayson don't say anything after. We head towards the beach and me and Cameron bury Grayson in some sand. We carve it out to look like a girl with boobs

After he gets out Me and Cameron laugh as Grayson chases us down towards the ocean. We run off the dock hand in hand, into the water.

After it gets a little later and we wrap ourselves in a giant blanket and sit on the back of my truck staring at the sunset.

I hug Cameron as Grayson shoves peanuts into his mouth. I've missed my sister. I never get to see her and these are moments I plan on cherishing.

The stars start to show as Daniel Ceaser plays in the background.

"Hey Cam?" Grayson asks from beside Cameron

"Yeah" Cameron says eating a peanut while leaning on my shoulder.

"What's the bruise on ur leg from?" Grayson says. I scrunch up my face in confusion and lean over to see her leg. A big blue bruise is formed there.

"Sports" she replies quickly

Me and Grayson exchange the same look from before but we don't question her. We don't ask her more then once. We don't force her to tell us.

We ignore it and let it go.

We get up and get in the truck. We drive along the road under the tunnel filled with dull yellow lights. The windows down and music loud.

Grayson driving, Cameron and me in the back. Wind blows through our hair as our laughs get muffled by the noise.

This was my paradise.

The next day Cameron went back home. To Brady, her boyfriend. We missed her but she was happy and doing what she loved in school.

So when I got a frantic phone call from her I was surprised

Hello?! Ethan! Help me please can can you send help. Can you please help me

Her voice shallow and panicking. Afraid. Shaking

Cam? Cameron what's wrong, what's going on?!

I yell at the phone worrying for my sister.

He's gonna kill me

Her whispers over the phone are barely audible

What?! Who?!

My heart picks up pace. My hands start shaking as tears fall down my pale face

I hear a scream and the phone cuts out.

"Cam" I whisper into the phone.

"Hello" my voice cracks as tears fall down my face

I call 911 and send them to my sisters house

I sit down and stare at the wall as my heart falls to the floor

Grayson's POV

"Yo E, Mom said foods ready" I walk into Ethan's room.

I see him sitting there with his phone at his feet. Tears cover his face but he doesn't cry. He holds a blank expression in his eyes as he stares at the plain white wall.

"Ethan you good?" I ask him confused and scared

He doesn't move a muscle or acknowledge I'm there in any way.

Right after I ask we hear the house phone ringing. Ethan gets up and rushes out the door. I run behind him just to bump into his back.

I look and see my mom on the phone. Her hand over her mouth and tears flooding her eyes.

Cameron was dead.

It's been two weeks and Ethan hasn't said one word. The doctor said it is because of the traumatic experience.

Ethan's POV

I couldn't save her. I should've known. If I just asked. If I made her trust me. My words could've saved her life

I sit at the doctors clinic listening to everyone talking around me. I stare at my grey sneakers with holes in them.

I don't look up

I don't listen

I just didn't care

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