Chapter 28 - The Fissure

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As soon as she opened the door, her eyes fell on his pinkish cheeks that made her lower her lashes and bite her lower lips. He looked at her grimaced face and a goofy idea struck his mind. "Ahem. Ahem.." Parth threw a look at the couple on the doorstep "Hah! No one here considers the guest. We are leaving." He made a pitiful face that made them turn towards him "Parth Why.." Sanyukta's words were stopped abruptly by Randhir "Haaaan! Leave naaaa. Who's asking you to stay..? Gossip King" Randhir raised his brows and Parth made a goofy 'I-am-disheartened' face. After a round of fun, after Parth and Vidushi bid them adieu, Randhir slightly pushed her and moved inside the house. "Jai Anchaneyaaa!" Sanyukta prayed and tip-toed to their bedroom. "Randhir shall I bring dinner here ?" He listened to her sugary sweet voice. He smiled to himself. This Sanyukta was totally new to him and he knew he will be deeply enjoying his game. "Rono..." She called him but he paid no heed. He took a longer time to shower than the usual time only to gain a reaction from his beloved wife. He slightly opened the door but she was no where to be found. "Khalo. Sorry Cancel." Was written on a sticky note pasted on the water pitched. He face palmed. "Too much expectation leads to disappointment." He made a face walking to the drawing room only to see her lost in the cricket match. He grabbed the remote from her and thew her legs down. "Ouch..Aaahh" She shrieked. "Shit I'm so sorry what happened..?" Randhir took her legs to his lap. She gave him a mischievous smile. "I missed you man. I'm sorry for behaving like a jerk yesterday." She pulled herself so close to him and gave him a bear hug. "You beat me. I'm not supposed to talk to you." He mewled. "Huh! Seriously ? Then you weren't supposed to hug me yesterday while sleeping." She giggled and winked. "You cheat. You were awake?" He instantly got up feeling embarrassed. "Yeshh! Mere Innocent pati. How will I sleep without you caging me in your arms.?" She chuckled. "So cheesy. Aren't we ?" He made a face. "Everything is fair in love and war." She winked. He smirked. "This isss..." He moved his face closer to hers. "War" She gave a small laugh before he captured her lips for a swooning kiss.

Her early morning slumber was disturbed by the phone which was ringing next to her. "Rono. Attend the call...!" She yelled with her eyes closed. "Rono.." She oped her eyes to find his side empty again. "Shit. Why is he doing this to me recently.?" She was disappointed. "Who the hell is calling me now ?" She grabbed her cellphone in a swift. "Vidushi. What are you telling. How dare ? He is with her at this moment." She yelled. "No I believe my husband but I don't believe her. " She kept her hand on her forehead. "This is getting tough now. I have to do something." She murmured. Meanwhile the door creaked open and entered Randhir. "Where were you?" She started her enquiry. "Hello madam. Woke up so soon?" He moved closer to her. "Answer me." She asked him. "Um.. Um. Sanyukta I need to tell you something." He hesitated. She looked at him with her brows raised up high. "I love..." He dragged his sentence watching her facial expressions getting varied instantly and her eyes go wide.. "I love your morning look. You look like a little devil. " He rolled on the bed laughing. "You know what.. I hate you." She hit him with the pillow and stood up to leave but his instant pull made her fall on him. "Sanyukta, I patched up with Ritika." He spoke with his voice filled with seriousness. She gave him a 'Are-you-serious' look though she knew this before. "She apologised for her every deed. Now I don't hold grudges against her anymore. Infact I accepted her whole heartedly. You know my Ritz is back." He told her smilingly making her insecure. The super confidant Sanyukta thinned in the air. Sanyukta was a pro at hiding tears and she knew this that very moment he addressed Ritika as his'. "I'm so sorry Sanyukta. We are no longer gonna be the same as before. We are.." His stopped his sentence abruptly and took the ringing mobile in his hands. "Heyy.. Yeah coming soon darling. Will be there now. Love you." He zoomed away from her sight leaving her totally shattered. "We are ?" She felt miserable. She felt like slaughtering herself and that Ritika at that moment. Nothing felt right. People say love is blind and she was one of the victims. "Why did I even agree to marry him ?" She fell on her knees crying. "She shouldn't have let him do things to her. She should have plucked the sampling of hope he planted into her heart before it started growing big and branching itself. What can she do if he himself is ready to go with Ritika? Would he miss her after she leaves ? All these thoughts of him and Ritika plundered her existence.

To be continued.

Next part soon. I'm sorry to one of my reader friends for not keeping up my promise. @violeetttt Next one soon. Most probably the last one ?!

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