Chapter 4

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A/N: THIS ISN'T AN UPDATE. I was just editing this chapter. Okay if you haven't read this than continue.

We arrived at a torn down house. Alice told us to wait outside. I sat on the curb beside Emily and put my arm around her. I couldn't get the thought of her being gone out of my head. Tears built up in my eyes. I slipped my sunglasses on so she wouldn't notice. Alice came out quickly. She took Emily's hand and told me we had to hurry. I gave her a worried look, but didn't hesitate to starts moving. We started to run. We ran until we couldn't anymore. I sat down and Emily followed. We rested for a bit and then started to walk to the airport.


"Luke what's on your mind?" Alice said.


"Nothing." I muttered.


She gave me a concerned look. I waved it off and kept walking. I stared ahead of me the whole walk there. The walk was silent. I was nervous. I didn't know if I had enough money for all of us to fly to Ohio. I didn't even know if I wanted to go to Ohio. Especially with someone I just met. Arriving to the airport couldn't have taken longer. I scanned over times to Ohio. There was one in an hour. I counted all the money I had including the money from Emily's bag. Her and I together had 1,500 dollars. I added in Ashton's for a total of 3,000 dollars. Never could we survive off this.


"Hey Luke I bought our tickets and we are able to board early if we would like." Alice said.


My jaw completely dropped. She had money? Enough for all of us? Maybe it was good to bring her.


"Where did you get that kind of money?"


"I have been saving since I was nine. I have never spent any of my own money on anything. I had a job too so that helped a ton." she spoke.


I smiled as we started to walk through security. It didn't take long. We arrived at the gate 30 minutes before boarding. They let us in. I sat on the outside. Alice sat in the middle and Emily by the window. I looked over to the girl across the aisle. She was staring at me.


"You have amazing eyes." she suddenly said.


"Thank you." I said.


She nodded and returned to look at whatever she was watching. I turned back to Alice and met her gaze.


"She is right you know?" she said almost whispering.




"You have amazing eyes." she said, a smile forming on her face.


I looked down and blushed.


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