When It All Began

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It was just an ordinary day, and I was going through Facebook when I got a friend request.
Jerred Quarve sent you a friend request.
I looked through his profile, trying to see what he looked like and if we had any mutual friends. Honestly, I thought he was pretty cute, but then again, I didn't even know him yet. I accepted the friend request anyway. Once we started talking, our friendship grew quickly. We always snapchatted each other when we were supposed to be paying attention in class. It was obvious at the time that it was just a friendship and I never thought it would go any further.
We had disconnected for a while, never knowing why. I think it was just a normal thing like nothing either of us did made things drift. It had been nearly two years since we had a real conversation. Normally, he would just message me out of nowhere and say, "Hey cutie." or something stupid like that. At the time, I didn't know what to think of it so I pushed him away for a while. We had argued a few times because sometimes I was in a relationship or just wasn't interested. It was just one day that changed everything. It changed our lives forever. 

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