Chapter 1 ~ Questions

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        The sound of crashing waves hitting the sandy shore coursed through my head as the darkness around me encapsulated my small, desolate form. The gentle oceanic noises pulsed like the heart of a behemothic beast, tracing the surging waters cascading around my body. Gradually, though, the waters resonating voice began to diminish.

        The delicate noise faded into nothing and the caressing waters ceased to exist. My body felt as though it began to amble, levitating seamlessly between the walls of reality, drifting at random to an untold destination amongst the darkness. Suddenly, though, my eyes were ripped open, and the gloaming universe was wrenched from my vision.

         The sun's furious rays of light blinded my view, forcing my eyes to squint and adjust rapidly. Soon, I could plainly make out the outline of the forest's viridescent canopy. The forest floor was covered in vegetation, mocking the ambient rays of sunlight that danced through the crowded sky of leaves. Gradually, I was overcome by the unobtrusive sound of birds chirping around me, marking my early rise. I watched as the tiny avians hopped back and forth carelessly from branch to branch, carrying their lack of worry over their wings. My eyes followed them across the firmament as I laid still against the ground.

        My back molded almost perfectly into the soft underbrush, laying flat against it as I took in the view. It was a beautiful sight to behold; even if I'd awoken to it every morning for the past few months.

        Slowly, I found myself shifting back into another bodily figure, radiating warmth in comparison to the cool, morning dew. A gloved hand wove it's way deliberately around my frame, brushing hair gently out of my face.

         "Rising shine, my darling," he spoke softly, his velvet soft voice a mere whisper tickling against my ear.

         I smiled warmly.

         "Morning, doc." a laugh escaped my lips as I spoke, though calm and meaningless. "What'll we do today..? Same as always?"

         He pushed his scarred face into the back of my head silently, nuzzling his nose slightly into my matted, though fairly kept hair.

          "Same as always," he muttered in repetition, "I have a good feeling about today, though, darling." I could practically hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, enthusiastic about the journey as always.

         "You've said that for the last week, doctor..." I murmured in return, chuckling softly through my taunting tone.

         He laughed in response, but it was forced and followed up by a short sigh, seeming as though to attempt to find humor in his remorse.

        Slowly, he sat up away from me, stretching out silently. His body probably ached from having stayed beside me throughout the night. Or at least I assumed so, fathoming that he needed not the wasting bore of sleep.

        I followed his lead, sitting up silently from the lush earth under myself. My back popped as I stretched myself outward as well, smiling slightly as I pushed back onto my feet. I tended to find extreme comfort in the smushy grass beneath the palms of my toes, and here I was again, relishing the feeling of something other than cold concrete beneath my soles.

        Silently now, I took in a long breath of air, realizing once more just how unfettered we were. The fresh air came in thick, copious amounts, filling my lungs with pleasure and pure relaxation. I could have leaned right back into the dense vegetation alongside it.

         Eager to get moving, I found myself looking back to the doctor, who stared at me with his two discolored eyes. He had his arms stretched calmly behind his head, looking to me conclusively as he spoke.

        "Ready to get moving, then?" he grinned. The smile he gave never failed to tug at my heartstrings. It was horribly obvious that he was happy to be here, in this unfrequented area with me at his side. It proved just how much we'd worked to get where we are.

         "Sure." I murmured quietly, a content smile plastered onto my lips. With that, I rose back to my feet. I could feel my stomach toss a bit, having gone a hot minute without food. Our rations were limited, so I debated that I was beyond positive breakfast could hold off.

         He strode over to meet me at my side and pulled a hand around my waist. He lowered his head and kissed my cheekbone, his matted, ruffled hair tickling my forehead.

         Moments passed on slowly, and eventually, he pulled away from me, taking the warmth of his bulky form with him.

         "Let's get moving, then." he smiled once more, turning and wandering off in the same directions we'd been trekking for months.

         It was puzzling as to how he always kept track of direction, and perhaps it was in the hours that he sat awake he consciously thought about which direction we'd traveled. Conceivably, he might have known just how many miles we'd walked, maybe even of how long we had to go.

         I followed him deliberately afterward. I found myself hooking my arm tightly around his, watching the sky as we strode on through the forest. Eventually, the gentle sound of his soothing humming filled the gaps of silence, threading my thoughts farther and farther out.

         Gradually, I was lost in the clouds, walking thoughtlessly alongside the doctor...


         Hours passed, and soon I was growing weak and famished. The sun pressed so tightly around my frame and laid itself upon the top of my head, I thought its heavy weight would crush me to the ground. I was thankful that the impenetrable greenery of the forest's canopy was deflecting the suns rays from my senseless roaming. Slowly, though, I began to let go of the doctor's hand, my fingers slipping from his and resting at my side.

         "Everything alright, doll?" he murmured through hushed lips, still walking steadily.

         "Yeah, I'm just a bit hot is all." I gave a sideways smile toward him, tilting my head slightly.

         Suddenly, it hit me now that he must've been incredibly heated under all of his fancy attire; he'd been wearing the same scientist's clothing since we'd left the facility, and I believe the white was starting to grow on him

         Literally, I think.

         "Think we'll find anything soon?" I questioned him in response, looking forward again in silence, trying to find my pace.

         "Maybe not soon, but definitely today. I'm sure of it." he lifted his chin confidently as he spoke, seeming very sure of himself. Couldn't argue with him, honestly.

         As he silences, I opened my mouth to speak once more.

         "Well, doctor, what if we don't-" suddenly, my lips were met with gloved fingertips. I silenced.

          He looked around predetermined, seeming to listen for something I just couldn't quite seem to pick up on.

        Shortly after, he abruptly grabbed my arm and yanked me forward, gaining pace as we thrust through the underbrush.

        "D-doctor?? Where are we going? What's going on?" I spoke in a nearly panicked rush. Had the scientists found us? Did the guards finally catch our scent? Were there predators? Wolves? Mountain lions?

        So many questions, but as a louder noise superimposed the gentle ambiance of the forest, all of them became answered.

        The sound of civilization. 

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