Chapter 17 ~ Easier Than Ever

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        Silence fell upon the abandoned cabin- the bedroom door left shut and thus cutting off the doctor inside from the light cackle of the flames- so brutally continued to the confined of the inglenook.

        Of course, though, the gentle tap of the flames' sparks was just enough to conceal the sound of meat and blood being poured down the sink.

        It was slow and precise- wooden spoon aiding in the larger chunks descent down the drain- tipping the bowl inch by inch. This would be the last, considering we had already eaten what we could salvage of the body in the fridge between my disposing of as much of the gore as possible in my downtime.

        Now, though, I had stayed awake all throughout the night trying to rid of what was left- I'd tried so hard to consume as little of it as possible- but with each passing day I can feel my craving for the flesh increasing- the jitter of my hands grow worse-

        Hopefully, it would all change by tonight. We could go out and retrieve actual food- perhaps, even, could get lucky enough to evade the doctor and escape his captivating hold.

        I cleared my throat, now, watching the last of it wash down into the sink. A wobbly, nervous smile found it's way onto my lips- the chill of cautious triumph running up my spine.

        This was it! I'd finally get out of this stuffy cabin...

        As quietly as possible, suppressing purely nervous and emotional laughter, I ran the water- rinsing both the bowl and the sink out and hoping I could go without the use of the garbage disposal. I simply wanted to avoid the loud guttural noise of the carrion shredding away.

        Finally, after weeks of nothing but carnage down my throat, maybe I'd finally find my way back into civilization. Perhaps even make a normal life out for myself, if that was even possible at this point.

        Watching the last of my problems wash away was quite possibly the most satisfying thing I'd witnessed since I had gotten here. I waited a few minutes- making sure everything looked normal- leaving the washed out bowl in the sink and tossed in a fork just for extra measures. Wisely afterward, I washed the spoon I'dd used to dispose of the meat- and tucked it right back into the drawer.

        I nearly felt like crying at that moment, standing there with a wobbly smile that eventually came to give way to a few light chuckles of success.

        However, directly after this, I turned to wander back into the living room, forcibly getting the smile off of my face and replacing it with a submissive neutral.

        Suddenly I almost felt hyperaware- as though a sixth sense had suddenly become active. I could hear the crackle of the flames as though they were booming- the thunderous pulse of my footsteps across the floor- even the vague chanting of my heartbeat pounding in my chest.

        'You can do this', 'You can do this'.

        I knocked on his door.

        "Hey, doc?" I chimed- trying not to sound too chipper as I spoke.

        "Yes, doll?" he cooed back to me, and I listened ever so closely as he approached from the other side. I took a gingerly step back as he opened the bedroom door, looking at me more directly.

        My heart nearly skipped a beat- not in the loving fluttery way, but rather in a worrisome hop to escape the treacherous hands from just beneath my feet.

        "I just finished the last of the meat in the fridge-" I commented airily, shaky hands clasping together in front of myself.

        "Hungry, were you?" he questions, a slight smile forming on his lips. He'd gone so long without any sort of shaving- he was beginning to look more of a husky hiker rather than the previous 5 o clock shadow vibe that he had been giving before we'd found this hideaway. The once frivolous stubble that had littered his face had just gradually grown out with time- not to mention his hair...

        "Yeah- a-and... and I will be again tomorrow! So can we go pick up food tonight?" I nearly begged, though trying to be as unsuspicious as humanly possible while I was at it.

        "Hmm," he hummed gently to himself, thinking as he paused. I could feel the nervousness knot in my throat- surely he wouldn't say no...

        "I suppose, yes. After sundown." he promised now, smiling a little more and nodding his head down in what could have been considered a slight bow, "It's only midday, though, (Y/n). You ought to find something to keep busy." he recommended, then winked and shut the door slowly behind himself.

        I waited a moment after I had heard the click of the door shutting completely- then allowed an ear to ear smile to take control of my face. I practically wanted to jump for joy- scream out in triumph and throw my hands to the sky- but instead, I calmly turned around, drawing my shaky hands to my chest contently.

        Despite this excitement, I could feel the exhaustion from staying up all night to complete the task growing on me- adrenaline rushing out of my form.

        I smiled wobbly, tiredly now as well, but ever obedient to my needs, I turned and walked back to the couch.

         As I laid myself down upon the couch cushions- relief aching my body as I snuggled in- the smile hadn't since abandoned my lips.

         And easier than ever- I found myself giving way to a familiar, though currently welcoming, inky black abyss. 

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