Chapter 12 ~ Beneath The Waves

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        Teeth in my shoulder. Open window's breeze.

        Inky. Black. Abyss.

        Sucked under the waves.

        Lack of breath beneath the cold waters left me feeling as equally as dizzy as I had been prior. Pulsating ocean currents left me uncoordinated- confused to a point I lost the remembrance of which direction was up. Oceanic thrusts battled against my form as the endless cavity beneath merged ways with the sky.

        The sweet release of air, though tainted with the sharp jabs of rain, was lost- far from me ever finding it.

        What was up? What was down?

        What was wrong and what was right?

        Salt flushed into my lungs.


        Eventually, I steadied out. As I opened my eyes half-lidded, I'd begun to come to, taking my surroundings in with immense caution.

        I'd almost wished to return to my cell at that moment; to go back to the solitude of the worrying chamber. But had it been any better? Had it been any worse?

        The scene before me was blurry as my eyes adjusted to it, squinting slightly to understand my surroundings. Despite the brief struggle, it didn't take long to piece together my habitat. Soon I realized I'd been sprawled out onto the countertop. At first, I tried my hardest to convince myself otherwise, though the feeling of the cold surface of marble top counter and the (now closed) refrigerator across from me caused me to run out of reason to think I was anywhere else.

        Suddenly now, I gasped, jerking upright abruptly to glance toward the window. My shoulder ached as I moved, but it concerned me not in comparison to the window. 

        For one, there was a corpse on the floor next to it, sprawled in such a fashion it looked as though their neck had been snapped. Their body already looked to have been considerably advanced in stages of deterioration- and blood stained the mouth of the body.

        This wasn't my largest concern, though. Funnily enough.

        Nails had been hammered tightly into the sill, bordering the section in jagged pines. Some nails were deep into the structural integrity- others pierced the surface in twisted zigzags.

        Locked. In.

        I sucked in my breath slightly and bit my lip, overwhelmed with a new breed of fear as I shifted back.

        "No..." I whispered- voice hardly enough to be perceived properly.

        "No, what?"

        I twisted my head back around in shock, popping my neck in the process as I met the doctor's eyes.

        "O-oh my god!" I exclaimed, flinching as terror pumped through my veins. Instinctually, now, I raised an arm to block him, wincing in advance as I came to realize how poor a decision it had been.

        He only watched in silence, lifting his hand to touch along my arm. I nearly shivered as his fingertips brushed against my skin- whimpering almost at the feeling.

        Almost as if he were commanding it, my skin crawled at his hold, sickness welling up inside of me all over again as he nudged my arm back at my side.

"I apologize, doll," he speaks soothingly as ever, just as sincere as he'd always been- a facade, perhaps, now that I truly began to think about it.

        "D-Doctor, I need to leave here," I stated, leaving no room to argue as I moved from the counter and onto my feet. Shifting passed him and back into the living room, I realized just how bound my shoulder felt. Glancing over to it now, I noticed it had been bandaged tightly- though the cottony texture of the gauzes had been stained a vibrant crimson. I cringed near harshly.

        "Oh." he hushed, watching as I returned to the door. At the time, I figured, perhaps he'd allow me to go that easily. In some sense of solemn goodbyes, I almost exchanged a sorry look with him, only to understand my mistake in thought, "of course, darling- where to?" he chimed. There was a certain tick in his voice now that I hadn't quite noticed before. It put me on edge, tugged at my nerve.

        "N-no, 049-" I whispered now, my voice fading almost into nothingness as I cringed at the use of the numerical designation. He winced too. "...alone.." I hushed again, looking at him conclusively as I stepped over the bloodied corpse. My fingers brushed over the door, watching the SCP silently in horror. The stench of the body beneath me was horrid- but it didn't compare to the look I was receiving from the doctor.

        There was a god awful stillness at that moment- complete silence falling upon us.

        "Pardon?" he finally spoke, his voice wavering, though it met a certain edge. I watched as his two discolored eyes stared straight through me, another rock beginning to form in my throat at the sight of it.

        "I...I saw what was in the fridge." I trailed off, looking at him insecurely as my fingertips drifted over the frigid doorknob. The thought was still horribly sickening.

        "I know." he declared surely of himself, "..and?" he inquired right after, as if he hadn't seen a single thing wrong with the consumption of the human flesh.

        Perhaps I could have given him benefit of the doubt. He surely wasn't human- it may not have crossed his mind. Despite this obvious conflict, he very blatantly lied about what it had been, thus concluding he knew how repulsive it was all along.

        "049 I can't stay here with you-" I pressed, shrinking back only slightly into the wall now as I watched him.

        "And why not?" he questioned with a stern tone, approaching now as he lifted his foot around the body on the floor. I cowered at his height, his hand lifting to stroke along my cheek. I tried desperately to turn from it, my face meeting the cold surface of the door. "Hm," he concluded gently, narrowing his eyes at me contemplatively.

        "049- d-doctor- please.." I murmured, my voice wavering beneath my breath as I winced. Pleading with him had done nothing.

        "Let's go sit on the couch, shall we?" he ignored my plea, changing the subject as he turned away, neglecting a key out, "You're not well in the head, (Y/n)." he nearly hisses through his teeth- his voice malicious, though it was coated in an outer layer of serene gentleness, "sit down and think it out with me." he finally concluded, leaving me no other real option.

         I was trapped. Escape was in my own hands.



        The waves. 

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