Chapter 9 ~ Whatever You Say

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         Here we go again,

        I told myself conclusively, falling back into the crashing waves of a restless sea. It appeared to be much less forgiving than it had been the last time I'd visited, and immediately, I was sucked beneath the surface.

        Water filled my lungs. I could only gasp for something as I reached up for the air and kneaded pale knuckles into the water. I tried so hard to grasp the now distancing waves, snagging my fingers into the atmosphere surrounding me, but to no avail.

        It burned, almost; the salt water in my lungs. There was no helping me; no safe escape...I sunk farther.

        Suddenly, though, a sharp noise brushed past, fierce creatures of the sea brisking passed with their mouths full of fangs and slicing fins. A few stopped to consider my squirming.

        Swarming, drowning, daylight fading...

        As one jerked forward revealing its maw of daggers, I thought most certainly, I'd meet a gruesome end; but just as I closed my eyes to give in to the pain, an abrupt, booming voice rattled the very sea I drowned in.

        "(Y/n)!" the sudden voice pounded into my ears. It was louder than the sea's violent chanting and harsher than the yell from the sky, "(Y/n)! Wake up!"


        Gasping, I jerked myself awake. Sweat drenched the collar of my shirt, my entire body feeling sticky and oddly chilled. I tried catching my breath.

        "Are you okay??" 049 spoke in a panicked tone, "you were screaming in your sleep-" he murmured.

        I cleared my throat, closing my eyes to try and calm myself down. Quietly, I began to wring my hands around my neck, holding a little tight as I tried to spare him a word; not a single one fell out, though.

        "I presume it was just a night terror- but are you alright?" he questioned again, holding my shoulders still between his hands as he looked me over worriedly. I could only muster a small nod.

        "Thank goodness.." he hushed, moving hair out of my face with a tender, almost shaky hand. "Why don't you treat yourself to a shower?" he suggested, "I'll wash out your clothes while you're in there...having been scrounging in the dirt so long there's no doubt a little cleaning off will make you feel better," he concluded, lifting his chin slightly as he loosened his grip on me.

        "O-okay..." I said softly, shakily nodding again as I rose back to my feet. I stumbled at first, but the doctor quickly extended his arms to catch me in case I tumbled over.

        Looking to the side, I managed over to the bathroom, pausing to close the door behind myself.

        I hunched myself onto the counter, waiting a moment to glance up into my reflection. It was only now, after so many months of being in such low condition, I saw myself in the mirror. I looked an absolute wreck. Thankfully, though, as I turned to gaze at the shower, I spotted both shampoo and conditioner inside to tend to my hair. Hopefully, that would at least do something.

        Sighing, I moved to twist my shirt off. I sat it carelessly on top of the counter, neglecting myself another look in the mirror. Starting in a low hum to fill the silence, I started removing the rest of my clothes.

        I can't believe I never noticed how stuck it all was to my skin; slathered up in dried mud, remnants of near sticky rainwater, and whatever the hell else I'd happen to find myself in. It almost pained me to remove it all.

        Grumbling in disgust, I moved to the shower, taking a brief moment to understand exactly how this one work. Once it was all mentally mapped out for me, though, I shut the curtain half way and leaned my hand in to feel the frigid water grow warm.

        As I got in, the relief of the heated water running over my grungy form was almost overwhelming; definitely a daily pleasure I had taken for granted. As I soaked up the water, though, the luxury melted away as I was met face to face with all of my foreboding thoughts. Everything that had gone wrong came back to bite at me.

        Questions with answers that only left you with more questions.

        Huffing, I reached to grab the shampoo, pouring some into my hand and kneading it into my hair.

        Water. 049. Soothing. Drowning.


        I spent around thirty minutes in the shower, filling the noise with distant humming and quiet thought. Once I got out, though, I realized my clothes had been taken from the counter and replaced with a towel.

        Thankfully, I took it in my hands, prompting myself to dry my body off in no time. Once I felt dry enough, I wrapped it gently around my form. Afterward, I stood around for a big, looking myself over in the mirror, finally opening the door once I was comfortable.

        In leaned my head out, gazing around the living space and spotting the Doctor waiting absently on the couch. He seemed to remain patiently, looking up at me once I opened the door.

        "Hey, uh- I need clothes..." I nearly whispered out, giving a nervous, sideways smile.

        "Of course!" he chimed, getting to his feet and wandering quickly to the kitchen. I hadn't been in there yet, but I assumed there was perhaps a washing machine in there somewhere.

        After a moment, he returned, handing my neatly folded clothes over to me. Still warm, definitely a washing machine.

        I took them gratefully, absently slipping back into the bathroom to get dressed. Closing the door once more, I slipped back into now cleaned clothes. And the doctor was right; I definitely felt better now that I'd gotten cleaned up.

        "I already prepared dinner, by the by." he smiled enthusiastically, nodding his head suggestively toward the dining area.

        "Pft- out of what?" I inquired curiously, "there can't be anything that's not spoiled in this old house..."

        "You'd be surprised." he responded, lifting his chin as he spoke, "the house provides." a small shrug brought up his shoulders before he turned once more for the kitchen. I promptly followed him.

        "Whatever you say, doc..." I whispered, crossing my fingers for the best.

(A/n): Sorry this chapter is kind of super boring- the beginning was necessary to the storyline and the rest leads into the next chapter- a bit of filler to suit your fancy. Maybe I'll release an early chapter to make up for it and celebrate Thanksgiving! Thanks for reading my fantabulous viewers! 

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