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soon katya and trixie were snuggled up on the loveseat whilst the other girls were sat on the other sofa. they were watching a horror movie but katya wasn't really paying attention, she was concentrating on staying as still as possible so she didn't disturb trixie.

trixie was sitting as close to katya as possible and she had her head resting on katyas shoulder. katya watched as the film got to its climax and felt trixie jump out of her skin. "fuck this." said miz and she turned the television off. "what the fuck cracker!" said kameron, jokingly shoving her. "let's take a vote, who wants the movie back on." said dela. katya, trixie and kameron all raised their hands.

"katya, you weren't even watching it anyway." miz complained. "katya that is true you were too busy looking at trixie." said dela. "wow guys way to embarrass me." mumbled katya. "ignore them BABE,  i think it was cute." said trixie placing a kiss on katyas cheek.

"guys enough of the pda, you aren't even dating yet." said kameron, throwing a pillow at the girls. "okay, okay but put the film back on please." said trixie, snuggling back down next to katya. "fine." said miz and turned the television back on.

you would think katya would've learned her lesson but she went back to watching trixie and stroking her forehead, instead of watching the film. katya didn't notice dela taking a photo of the two girls huddled up on the sofa, however trixie did and she mouthed 'send that to me' and watched as dela sent the picture to her.

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