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extended barbie groupchat👑👙👛💕:

dela💫: guys this is gonna be our last summer together we better make it the best one yet

sharon🔪: it's not like we're never gonna see everyone again

miz👩🏼: yeah but we won't hang out as much

alaska5000💅🏻: i may be new to this group but i'm really gonna miss you guys

adore😺: we have like eight weeks to make the most of it

aquaria🧜🏻‍♀️: party at mine next weekend?

кукла💗: yes i'll come

kameron💪🏻: i'm free

katya💋: i'm free! lucky that's day trixie and i get back from viewing apartments in la!!

dela💫: katya you better look after trixie in la

katya💋: i promise guys!x

кукла💗: you guys are too good to me

sharon🔪: did everyone get into the college they wanted?

alaska5000💅🏻: you know i did

sharon🔪: shut up lasky

dela💫: i did

adore😺: i applied for two and got into both :):)

miz👩🏼: i didn't apply but aqua got into the la college for mua

кукла💗: i got into that college too !

aquaria🧜🏻‍♀️: wow we could be in the same classes!!

katya💋: i didn't apply but i got offered a full paid modelling job at jeffree star cosmetics!!

dela💫: wow well done katya

sharon🔪: wow

kameron💪🏻: congrats!!

katya💋: thank you guys!

aquaria🧜🏻‍♀️: looks like everyone got what they wanted! :)

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