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katya walked into the large macy's and saw trixie not far off, stacking shelves. she walked over to trixie and tapped her on the back. "hey bitch." said katya and gave trixie a hug. "uhh, i'm still on shift, give me like five mins." said trixie, kissing katyas cheek and going back to shelve stacking.

katya leant against the shelves and watched as trixie put box after box on the shelve. "they really gonna make you wear that ugly polo and chinos?" said katya, looking at trixies uniform. "it's not that bad." said trixie, as she placed the last bag on the shelf. "i mean your hair and make up looks good at least." said katya, teasing trixie. "thank you." said trixie, grinning.

katya went to the front of the shop, whilst she waited for trixie to change out of her uniform. katya was slightly nervous as she knew when they got to the coffee shop, she was going to ask trixie to be her girlfriend. she hadn't felt this way about anyone, not even violet. there was something so different about trixie that her heart skipped just thinking about her.

katya felt a tap on her shoulder and saw that trixie was ready to go. katya was stunned about how trixie could look so breathtakingly beautiful all the time. she was wearing her hair up and a bandana was tied around it. she was wearing a floaty pink dress with frills around the neck and ends of the sleeves. katya felt a little undressed in her white dress with black criss cross lines, however trixie made her worries dissipate when she said how beautiful katya looked.

katya linked their hands and they went to the starbucks. katya didn't need to be told twice what drink to get trixie this time and when their drinks arrived, katya felt like this was the moment.

"so trixie," said katya, looking up at trixie who was taking a sip of the warm beverage, "i didn't have the balls yesterday but i feel like i maybe have them now." trixie laughed, chocking on her drink. "kats you're going to be the death of me but please continue." said trixie giggling. "so i was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" asked katya, unable to look trixie in the eye, instead choosing to look down and play with her mug. "katya," said trixie, cupping katyas chin and looking her directly in the eyes, "i would love to."

katya squealed. a few heads turned to look but she really didn't care. "omg you're my girlfriend now! i cant wait to show you off." said katya and placed a kiss on the tip of trixies nose, grinning. "i can't wait either." trixie agreed.


in honour of 2k reads and the fact that this story is #3 in the trixie tag, i made them finally get together

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