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@katya_zamo tagged @trixiemattel in a post!

@katya_zamo tagged @trixiemattel in a post!

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@katya_zamo: your reigning prom queens

@trixiemattel: the only picture we got at prom and you have a fucking dog bone in your mouth

@katya_zamo: it's cuz i'm gonna bone you later ;) @trixiemattel

@trixiemattel: shut up katya

@kameronmichaels: keep it in your pants ladies

@miz_cracker: congrats on winning prom queen you two

@bendelacreme: you both look stunning

@ageofaquaria: @trixiemattel your make up was so stunning i am jealous

@trixiemattel: thank you! @ageofaquaria

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